All The Little Things Part 2

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A/n: This was a request by erincannon132 ! I really hope you like it and I'm just glad so many people enjoyed the first part enough to want a second part! Thanks guys, hope you like this! :)

When Bucky woke up later the next morning, and realized he was still in the girl's room, he knew that Steve knew at this point. There was no way he didn't.

He carefully started to get out off the bed, trying hard not to wake up the girl who was still carefully curled into his side. Taking a piece of paper and pen from the desk in the room, Bucky left a note to tell her he was going to grab food.

It was important to him that she knew he wasn't abandoning her. But, he also had to face the music at some point and that should be sooner rather than later.

Bucky thought he would be able to get to his room and maybe brush his teeth before having to face said music. Steve Rogers, however, was better than that.

Barely a few paces away from the room and Bucky was face-to-face with his best friend. And boy was his face red.

"James Buchanan Barnes what the hell did I tell you?" Quite the opening line. Definitely told Bucky this wasn't his best friend talking, it was his team leader talking. Very different people. This situation was just a reminder of that.

The man in question sighed, rubbing his face with his left hand and trying not to sigh too loudly, lest he risk even more wrath. "I-"

"You were disobeying direct orders!" Steve finished.

Bucky knew what he did went against Steve request but that's what it had been: a request. Just a thought. Which, turns out, he was wrong.

"Look, Steve, I-"

"I told you that you needed to keep distance for a while. I didn't think I'd have to spell it out loud, but apparently I have to. We're still working on what's going to happen to her. Things like this might make her good options slim down."

"Things like what?" Bucky yelled, finally dropping the polite act he was trying. "Steve, come on. I helped her. She wasn't talking to anyone and refused to move from the damn corner. You know what she did when I got in there? She opened up. She got cleaned up and slept in the bed instead of in the corner."

"It could've ended badly, Buck, and you know that. You knew that risk going in and you're lucky it didn't pan out that way," Steve said, not getting quite as mad or as loud as Bucky had just been.

Bucky sighed again, this time not caring if he was too loud. "Steve, I knew that. I knew that risk when I decided to give her a chance. And you know what? It worked. She told me her name- it's (Y/n). She took her first shower in god knows how long. She slept in a bed!"

Steve sighed now, realizing it wasn't a great idea to start with the 'Captain' demeanor. "Okay, let me try again," he says quietly. It's like Buck can see the man reset before he speaks again. "I know you mean well. You always mean well, you do. I just, and I'm sorry for this, I assumed she'd recognize the other guy first. I didn't want that to happen for her, but I also knew that wouldn't been good for you. I figured... avoiding her would keep that from happening."

And Bucky understood. Steve always had the best intentions at heart. They've known each other for several decades, so they know what could make or break each other.

The brunet smiled and clapped a hand on the blond's shoulder. "I know, man. I appreciate you always looking out for me. But... it didn't go that way and I want to keep building off of that. If she can grow out of the shell Hydra shoved her into, maybe the Council will see things our way."

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