Down By the Bay Part 2

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Down By the Bay Part 2

Dedicated to planet_moonn because she reminded me about this and how I said I'd make a part two 👍🏻

It's been four months. Four months since one more person knew what you did. Four months since you ran and tried to forget about that life. Four months since you got another job miles and miles away from your last known location, in a quaint little book store on the corner of two busy streets. But it was also close by to a neighborhood, so you got a fair amount of business. There was a coffee shop next door as well, so the two businesses decided to make a little plan to get business with both. Get a drink from them, come to the store you work at with their nice beverage, pick out a good book, and they can buy it and take it home, or they can sit in front of the fireplace and read for a bit, then buy the book. It was good and people definitely used that often.

Today was a slower day. It was freezing outside, so people didn't really leave their homes, let alone buy a drink and sit inside a bookstore. There were a few brave souls, but most of them were you and two other coworkers of yours. The first one was Indigo, a sweet girl with violet eyes and dark brown hair. The other was Drew, a tall skinny guy with blond hair and blue eyes. They were both lots of fun and were currently restocking books.

"Hey (Y/N)!" You looked up to see Indigo walking up to you. "I was wondering if I could go? My neighbor was watching my dog and said she just threw up everywhere and I'd rather not leave that kind old lady with the grossness," she asked. You chuckled slightly and nodded your head.

"Yeah I'll be fine here. Drew is leaving early too, and I can handle the shop just fine. Not very many brave people are willing to come here anyways. They should already have their books to read on stormy days at home. I know I would," you said smiling.

Indigo laughed. "Yeah, we all know you're prepared for everything. Probably even prepared to run away!" she said, laughing her head off. You joined in too. If only she understood how true that was.

You weren't able to forget about Tony Stark, and the lurking possibility he could find you again. He was part of SHIELD, and was a technological genius. He'd find a way. You had an escape plan in case any of the Avengers showed up, and you were begging not to use it.

Reality was brought back in front of you by a pair of snapping fingers. "Huh?" you asked, somewhat out of it after being deep into your own brain.

Indigo was laughing in front of you. "You zoned out, (Y/N). Whatever. You better not do that while we're gone," she said, gesturing towards the tower of a man next to her. "See you later (Y/N)!" She left, Drew following close behind and waving to you as well.

"Bye!" you yelled after them. The door closed and now you were all alone in the bookstore you helped manage, and it was freezing. You walked out from behind the oak wood counter and to the stone fireplace. You put a couple more logs into it and lit it. Yes, it was a real fireplace. The owner of the shop thought it would be better and a more homey feel than a gas one.

Already it was feeling warmer, and you went back to behind the counter to be prepared for if any idiot decided to try and brave the cold weather. It was starting to get pretty snowy and windy outside, so it was very unlikely you'd have anymore business. So instead of sitting at the counter staring at the door waiting for the idiot, you decided to relax a bit and pull out your book and read in front of the fire. You put it on, might as well make use of it. Before you sat down, you locked the door to make sure it didn't swing open from possible piles of snow and the very strong wind.

For the next half hour you sat on the couch, your feet curled up under you as you finished up the book you had started a month prior. There was only two chapters left when you heard someone knocking on the door outside. You looked up from your book and saw someone standing outside. They had on a scarf over their face, but they were waving and held up a book. So you put your bookmark back into your paperback book and hurried over to the door and unlocked it, letting the stranger inside.

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