Street Magic

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A/n: this is another request by iamKhrfan123! I love all the stuff you give me, especially in times like this where I'm extremely unmotivated. Enjoy!

The crowd wowed as you finished your last trick, and then flooded the street with applause once you bowed. You stood up straight and acted as humble as you could, thanking each of them as they came up to drop some stray bills into your hat.

This has been a routine for you for a few months now. You never knew your parents, them having died just after you were born in some horrific accident. They left you everything, you just weren't able to access any of it until you turned eighteen, which would be another four years.

Foster homes never seemed to work out for you, either. Maybe that was because of the magic you possessed.

It wasn't something you knew of right away. The magical powers only revealed themselves when you were about five and you had no idea what they were, let alone how to control them.

Several homes gave you back, not knowing how to deal with the 'strange phenomenon' that came with you. It got to a point where you simply decided to run away and live on the street. It was here, on the streets, that you finally figured out how to control your magic.

And how to use it to your advantage.

People always love seeing a little show on the street, whether its a dancer or singer. You joined that realm and started performing magic tricks. Little ones at first, just to get people's attention.

At a certain point, you started getting bolder and bigger with your tricks. Everyone just assumed you were fantastic at what you did.

Others, you'd soon find out, suspected more.

"Thank you so much," you gushed when a woman dropped a twenty in your hat. That'll get you three meals! "You're so kind."

Maybe you were amping up the act a bit so people would like you more, but you also were very grateful. These people paid for your food essentially.

As you were gathering up your things, you noticed someone was still there. He had been standing in the back of the crowd. But he was rather tall, so you were able to see him peaking over the people.

You tried to pay him no mind, assuming he was just observing, even if it did feel creepy. After a minute, he finally walked off and took a phone call. You made sure you had all of your things and then went off to find a different street to perform on, with hopefully new people.

Luckily your walk wasn't too awful, and you only had a few things to carry. Your little top hat that you found in the dumpster outside of a costume shop, your backpack that you bought at a Goodwill to carry your few possessions and all the money you made, and a couple cheap magician props from the same dumpster- to give your shows a little more "street show" and less "oh my god a magical being."

After some walking, you found a pretty large and empty street corner, and started to get your stuff set up. This alone usually starts to draw a crowd, and today wasn't any different.

By the time you were starting your first trick, there was already about seven people watching. Their gasps and applause only brought more people over to you.

Sometimes, this was a bad thing. Like when the cops saw. They weren't huge fans.

"Hey!" You turned your head and saw an angry cop stomping towards you. "What have we told you!"

To his credit, the police had told you a few times to stop. What they couldn't understand was these shows kept you alive.

And so the only solution to this situation was to run. In a flash, you were holding all of your items and sprinting down the sidewalk.

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