Meet Your Heroes

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From a young age, you pretty much decided your life wasn't going to be normal. It started because of your neighbor, Carol Danvers. She would babysit you when you were younger and tell you all about the dreams she had of joining the Air Force and fighting for her country.

Given the time period, everyone thought she was ridiculous. You, however, admired her for it. The two of you would play games that involved you running around, pretending to be planes. When Top Gun came out on VHS, that was the only thing you two watched together.

"That's gonna be you one day," you whispered to Carol. On the screen, Maverick was taking out the enemy jets, saving Iceman. The end would always be your favorite.

Carol smiled. "You bet it is. And you know what? You'll do amazing things one day, too. You'll go higher, further, and faster than so many people."

You scrunched your nose. "That was cheesy."

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? How's this for cheesy!" She reached over and attacked you with the 'tickle monster,' leaving you both in tearful laughter.

When Carol got the acceptance to the Academy, you were thrilled for her. With the help from your mother, Carol got a going away/congratulations party. What you didn't know was that would be the last time you'd see her again.

The news of Carol's death rocked the small town. You were devastated. The funeral was small since there was no body to bury. Beside her family, you were probably the next most torn apart.

For weeks you refused to do the things you used to, even going as far as to hide the Top Gun VHS.

But something shifted. You were laying in bed one day when you caught a glimpse of a note. Curious, you sat up and plucked the note from where it hung out of your nightstand drawer.

One it were three words.

Higher. Further. Faster.

Carol wrote it. She used to leave you inspirational notes all the time. After reading it a hundred more times at least, you finally felt inspired.

You were gonna follow in her footsteps. In your own special way.

School suddenly became your top priority, especially math and science. You got so good at them that you were recommended to advance to the next level of each course. The challenges were fun for you, and you enjoyed trying to figure out difficult problems.

In high school, despite your school being small, you found a way to make a robotics club. It was you, the president, plus a bunch of guys who didn't like that you were the one to make their nerdy hobbies have a place at school. But you had no desire in getting caught up in petty things.

Your focus turned to light. After Tony Stark became Iron Man, your focus on light found a purpose. The next step was to make a suit that could convert light into energy that you could harness into blasts.

When you graduated high school, you had scholarships for several schools because of your robotics work, even a couple Ivys. You landed on MIT, of course. There, you met professors who didn't care that you were a girl. They cared about your passion and wanted to elevate you.

Nearly ten years after you set your mind to it, you finally got a prototype of your suit. You were able to take light- natural and artificial- and turn it into blasts of energy. The achievement was huge and got you on some different radars.

Despite the offers, you kept on perfecting the technology. It was your life's work. It was going to make Carol proud.

"(Y/n), you've got someone who needs to speak with you urgently." You looked up from your workstation to see your graduate student assistant holding out the phone.

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