Sway With Me

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You and Bucky were the sweetest couple in the world. At least, you were to Steve. He idolized the two of you and the relationship you had.

You met Bucky a few years ago, fresh out of high school and figuring out what to do with the rest of your life. When you were walking with your best friend one afternoon, your hat blew right off your head and went tumbling down the street.

Lucky for you, you had your knight in shining denim there to catch it. He returned it to you along with a pick up line and a place, date, and time. You decided to go for it and now you call it the best decision you ever made. A year later, the two of you were married in a small ceremony with just your close family and friends.

Being a few years younger than him (three to be exact), you always joked and called him your old man. He didn't mind, in fact he thought it was cute. Of course, you had better nicknames for him like darling and sweetheart. He got to call you doll and love.

For those years of knowing each other, you had never imagined a day without Bucky by your side. At this point, it was hard not to imagine seeing Steve every day with how much he was around. You didn't mind, of course, because Steve was sweet and his heart was too big for his chest.

For all those years, you never imagine America going to war with the rest of the world. Again. There were rumors circulating around Brooklyn that it was only a matter of time before the US joined the war effort and started drafting people.

Those rumors made you hug Bucky just a little tighter and kiss him a little longer.

One day, as you were working in the diner, you heard the bell above the door jingle. "Welcome to-"

You cut your greeting off when you looked up from the counter you were wiping down. It was Buck. And he was in a uniform. You looked over to your boss, who knew the two of you very well, and he nodded a yes to your silent question.

Out back, you and Bucky held each other. "When do you leave?" you asked, your voice muffled by his chest.

"Tomorrow. Just got the orders today. I'm now Sergeant James Barnes, part of the 107th," he explained.

The words had you tightening your hold on him and sniffing your sadness away. "Well then we better make the most of tonight," you whispered, tears making their way down your face.

"Don't worry, doll, I've got a plan. How do you feel about the Stark Expo?"

That afternoon, you were getting ready in your and Bucky's apartment. And, technically, Steve's. He had his own little guest room in your small home.

The Expo was supposed to be about the world of tomorrow, and the Howard Stark was supposed to show for an exhibition. You knew Bucky loved these kinds of things- he was such a nerd. You used to make fun of him relentlessly for rereading The Hobbit every other month until you read it.

A knock echoed through the bathroom and you smiled to yourself in the mirror, the red lipstick on you making your teeth look even whiter. "Coming!" you called, getting your pearl earrings in your ears.

Once they were in and secured, you grabbed your purse and opened the door.

You opened the door and saw at Bucky and Steve. "You looked stunning doll," Bucky said.

"Thank you sweetheart," you said. Smiling and blushing, you stepped out of the bathroom. You walked between the boys, heading to the door leaving for the big night.

The Expo was so cool. There was a giant metal statue of the globe, a train that wasn't on the ground, and a huge stage where Howard Stark's presentation was going to take place. It was impressive, seeing him make a car fly, even just a few feet off the ground.

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