New Year's Day

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New Year's Day

I recommend listening to New Year's Day by Taylor Swift at the same time

As you walked across the floor, you noticed how much glitter was just covering the floor. It was everywhere, and you figured the girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby would have sparkly feet for the next few days. You turned a corner and found yourself over in the 'photoshoot section' where candle wax and polaroids covered the floor.

You squatted down carefully in your heels to pick up the polaroids. The first one you picked up had a lot of glitter on it, so you blew it off. Once it was all gone, your heart skipped a beat when you noticed it was you and Tony making funny faces at the camera together. Memories flooded you as you collected more polaroids off the ground.


In the taxi, you felt his hand squeeze yours three times. You smiled; long ago the two of you decided that squeezing the other's hand three times was the non-verbal way to say 'I love you'. Neither of you had forgotten.

"It'll be alright, I'm going to be right here with you the whole time," he whispered into your ear. You turned to him and gave him a bright smile. It was an odd pairing, you and Tony Stark. He was extremely extroverted and loved the spotlight- that's when he was his cocky, sarcastic self. On the other hand, you were pretty introverted, being your best around those you could trust, and he just so happened to be one of those people. You loved him, and he loved you. That also meant every now and then you attended a party with him. He loved them and wanted to enjoy them with you, so you agreed to this one- a New Years party at a swanky hotel that Tony partially owned.

You placed your head on his shoulder and smiled. "Thank you," you whispered back, and returned the three squeezes. Looking at the people exiting their limos and taxis, you knew tonight would be a long night.

Inside, you stayed with Tony the entire time and he made sure to have a hand on you at all times. You held his arm, he'd have an arm around your waist, he'd hold your hand- through the whole night, he made sure you always knew he was there. The only time he let go of you was when he had to stand up from the table you were seated at and give a toast (the mayor asked him to).

He tapped his knife against the top of the champagne glass a few times, and after the third tap everyone else was doing it too. Tony told you he'd keep the toast pretty simple, and he was true to his word. He raised his glass and said, "A toast! To a new year with only the best!"

The others lifted their glasses and cheered. You did as well and sipped on the bubbling champagne as Tony sat down, sipping some of his as well. Once he sat conversations resumed and it got pretty loud again.

Tony leaned over to you. "This stuff is weak. Would you like to come with me to get some good stuff?" He spoke in a normal volume but it felt like a whisper with how loud everything else was.

You smiled and nodded, excited to get away and have Tony to yourself. The two of you stood up and made a quick and quiet escape. Nobody seemed to notice and you thanked your lucky stars for that.

Giggles filled the back hallways as you two snuck over to a liquor cabinet and found a couple bottles a bourbon- they happened to be a couple of his favorites. You then went up and found an empty lounge to drink in.

The rest of the night was some what of a blur for you. You remember having fun at the Photo Booth, with others, and with each other. It was quite a night. And by the time the clock struck midnight you and Tony were in a hotel room together.


You went back up to the hotel room with the polaroids in hand to show Tony. On the way, you stopped by the kitchen to pick up some of the 'hangover cures' they made for the guests who stayed the night.

He was still fast asleep when you opened the door which made you smile. You took off the dress you had slipped on to go down to the lobby and crawled back in bed with him.

He shifted when you got in and his eyes opened slowly. "Good morning sleepy head. Happy New Year," you greeted quietly. "I got you a little something."

In response, you groaned softly. No matter how many times he would get hungover, he always seemed to be the worst on New Years. You rolled over and took hold of his drink and handed it to him.

"This should help," you whispered. "Curtesy of the kitchen." Tony smiled at you and started to sip lightly on the drink. You grabbed your own and did the same.

Tony broke the silence after a second of recovery. "Promise me something," he said.

You looked over at him and nodded. "Anything."

He looked into your eyes and you saw one of the few and far between vulnerable moments of Tony Stark. "Don't ever become a stranger. I couldn't stand hearing you laugh with anyone else."

Rather than questioning what made him feel this way, you took his drink and set them both on the nightstand before turning back to him and smiling. "I don't think I could ever let you or the memories go, so don't worry. I'll never be a stranger."

The two of you smiled at each other and he pulled you into his warm embrace. "That's gonna be our new thing. Along with 'I love you's we've got 'Never be your stranger.'"

"Never be your stranger," you said in agreement and smiled into his chest.

You squeezed his hand three times.


A/n: Yes, I know it's super short especially compared to every other imagine I've done recently, but I just wanted something that was a little cute and fluffy, you know? Hopefully if you listened to 'New Years Day' like I recommended, than this was even better! I tried to use the song lyrics in here, wether in reference or in action, so yeah.

I am posting this a few days early because I plan on being out until after the New Year for multiple reasons. On a related note, please manifest/pray/etc that I do not have COVID because it would kinda suck if I did. So yeah, there's that.

Have a wonderful new year and I hope that it finally goes up from here! Cause, I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 2022!

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!

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