What If...

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What If... Carol Snapped?

A/n: This isn't as much of a reader insert, but I do hope you still give it a chance :)

The battle raged all around them, no one knowing if it would ever end. Dirt sprayed everywhere as Tony fired another blast at an alien, and he watched it collapse to the ground. No matter how many of these guys he got rid of, they just kept showing back up.

"Can someone give me an ETA? Anything?" Tony asked, panting and out of breath. He had no idea what had happened to the gauntlet and stones. He only hoped they were getting where they needed to go.

"Uhh..." came Scott's hesitant voice. "We no longer have a way to send them back."

A sigh, and then a quiet, "Shit." This was never going to end. He continued to listen to chatter over the comms as he fought off more aliens.

When the idea of someone snapping to get rid of the enemy came up, Tony was all ears. "How do we do that? We saw Bruce's arm, and he snapped as the Hulk. Whoever snaps might not survive," he mentioned.

Something caught his attention, and he looked over to see Doctor Strange looking over at him, trying to give him a hand signal.

Tony blasted a few more aliens and then made his way over to the man. "What? You got something?" he asked.

"Danvers. She's one of the most powerful here," Strange offered.

Tony nodded as he thought. "And she's one of the few mentally stable. Thor and Wanda aren't in the right mindset to be making such a move. I'll go up and bring her the idea."

Strange nodded and Tony pushed up to the sky, flying over to find Danvers' location. "Hey, Danvers, where are you?" he called out over the comms, looking around for the glowing woman.

He heard a grunt over the comms followed by a, "Down here! By what used to be the weird van!"

Without hesitation, Tony flew down and landed beside her, taking her six so they could talk. "What do you need?" she asked, blasting a few aliens that were getting a bit too close.

"You been keeping up with the comms?" he asked, using a beam to slice through something.

She shook her head. "Not unless I hear my name. Figured I should focus on other things. Hey! On your three!"

They took down a giant ship together and had enough of a break that Tony turned to face her and took off his mask. "You think you can handle the power of the stones long enough to snap them away?" No beating around the bush, there was no time.

And she seemed to know that, too. "Won't know till we found out, will we? Let's go."

Tony closed his helmet to get back on comms. "Danvers is going to snap! Where'd the stones go?" he asked, fast and not willing to waste more time. They couldn't fight forever.

"I've got it!" Tony recognized the voice and flew up, Carol not far behind him. He searched the battlegrounds until he saw the kid, spider legs taking out aliens left and right as he protected the gauntlet.

"Stay put, kid, we're coming!" They started to fly down to him, but they weren't the only ones trying to get the stones.

"Thanos is coming this way!" Peter yelled, definitely not equipped to handle the titan right now.

"We got this." Tony and Carol flew down and landed between Thanos and Peter.

Tony looked over at Carol, who was getting ready for a fight. "You need to get those stones and get ready to snap. It'll take a lot out of you, so you gotta be ready. We'll do our best to hold him off."

She nodded and Tony flew over to Thanos, stopping him in his tracks.

The two stared each other down. "I will get those stones. Your efforts will be for nothing," Thanos said.

Tony didn't back down. "Yeah, well, that's what you think." Not wanting to waste time, Tony sent a blast straight for Thanos's face, one he blocked with this broken blades.

Now, the fight was on. They were close enough that Thanos started to land punches, but that didn't mean Tony was giving up. He was far from it.

The two went back and forth, Thanos taking off chunks of Tony's armor as he went along, but the man never gave up. Not until he knew Carol was ready to snap.

"Guys! I'm gonna do it!" Her voice caused relief to flood Tony's system.

"Do it now!" he yelled, sending a huge blast into Thanos's chest. The titan stumbled a bit, and was ready to come back, but a surge of energy pulsed through the battlefield.

Everyone who was close to it stumbled a bit, and then looked around. Tony looked to Thanos, who was staring at his disappearing hands. The titan looked up and held eye contact with Tony as he dusted away, only one emotion appearing.


Tony glanced around the field, looking at everyone and watching as the enemies all turned into dust. This time, he'd never been so happy to see such a thing.

He then remembered Carol, and how horrible Bruce's arm looked after he snapped. "Danvers, you all right?" he asked, already turning and hurrying in the direction he left her.

She didn't have a chance to answer, because Tony was already there. He looked down at the arm where the gauntlet and stones had been. They were now laying on the ground beside her.

"I will be," she answered, nodding to Tony. By the looks of it, the damage was only in the lower part of her arm. "I think my powers were able to help me take some of the stones' power."

Tony nodded, and others started coming over to them. "Here, I've got some stuff to help it heal," he said, and used the same spray stuff he used on Bruce's arm earlier.

"We did it? We won?" Steve asked as he jogged over, looking pretty exhausted.

Tony nodded. "Yep. We won..." he didn't think it was real. They won, and they got everyone back.

It felt too good to be true.


A/n: I feel like this sucks, and that's totally on me. I needed to get something out and I really wanted it to be another 'What If,' I just didn't really know how to write it after a certain point. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Shameless self promo: I've got books! Trust 3 is coming along very smoothly (I'm almost done writing the Endgame chapters), Don't Look Down is doing great, and the love of my life Me, Myself, and Her is coming along very well and the first part is now completed. I'd love it if you guys went and checked it out!

I'll see you here next week Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!

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