Avengers Do Get Sick

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A common misconception among the world is that the Avengers are indestructible. That there's no way they can be defeated or ever taken down. And while this is true in many cases, there are times were there's an exception.

This just so happens to be one of them.

When you woke up in the morning, you had a simple stuffy/runny nose. No worries, not a big deal, so you went about your day as normal. And as you did so, you got worse... and worse... and worse.

The next morning, you couldn't get out of bed. Not even the knock at the door to your room could get you out of bed.

"Love? Are you okay?" your amazingly sweet boyfriend, Bruce, asked when he walked into your room. You groaned in response, sending the obvious answer: 'no.'

Bruce looked concerned, remembering how you were yesterday. "FRIDAY, could you do a quick scan please?" he asked, sitting next to you in bed and rubbing the exposed arm. The rest of you was buried in blankets.

"Of course," the AI responded, and then a beat. "(Y/n) seems to be experiencing a cold. Left untreated, there is large possibility it could get worse." FRIDAY's health features were newer, so her diagnosis was 90% accurate, but her warning made Bruce think you had the beginning stages of the flu.

"Thank you, FRIDAY," he called to the ceiling. He then looked down at you. "I'm going to go grab you some stuff, okay? I'll be right back, love."

You groaned another response and he was off.

Bruce got his mental check-list going. First: medicine. He'd grab that cold and flu stuff he sees at the store, that should take care of you, as well as some zinc tablets for symptoms. Then, he needed to worry about snacks. You wouldn't want to eat a lot, but you needed to.

He was at the grocery store in no time, opting to take a less... noticeable car of Tony's to the closest store he could find. Inside, he picked out the right medicine- grabbing cough stuff just in case- and then went about snacks.

"What do sick people eat?" he mumbled to himself. Since becoming the Hulk, the only sickness he got was the pure exhaustion from turning into the big guy. He didn't really get colds or the flu, even finding some immunity from the COVID-19 virus.

So, this hadn't been a spot for him in a while. Bruce could still remember some things his mom used to give him, so he went with that. Chicken noodle soup (duh), saltine cracks, some cranberry juice incase your throat hurt, and ginger ale in case your stomach hurt.

After buying those, he was back in the car and at the tower in no time. Lucky for you, all in under 30 minutes.

He zipped back up to your room, ignoring every single person who came across him. You were the top priority right now, not anyone else.

Bruce lightly knocked on your door again and opened it up. "Hey love, I got some essentials for you, to help you feel better," he said. Now, you were sat up in bed, wearing those oversized cat pajamas you wore when you felt gross.

You smiled at him, trying your best not to look how you felt. "Thanks Brucie," you got out, before a fit of coughs stopped you.

"Don't worry, I got something for everything. At least, I hope I do. Let's start with some cold medicine, yeah?" He put all of the things on your nightstand and got into mom-mode.

You tilted your head, eyes full of love, and watched as Bruce got everything all nice and set up for you. He set out the medicine, handing you some to take first. Then, he took one of the many cans of soup he bought and quickly made it in the kitchen.

"Hey, what's up?" Nat asked when she saw Bruce hurry in with the can.

Bruce glanced at her quickly while still working on the meal. "(Y/n)'s sick so I'm making some soup. I'm gonna be busy all day," he responded.

She smiled, proud of the fact that she pushed the both of you (secretly) to finally talk to each other. "Well, if you need anything, let me know and I'll help. Okay?"

Bruce put the soup in the microwave (no patience for the stove right now) and looked at Natasha fully. "Thank you. I plan on just... watching movies and being a human pillow for the day. Might need your help making more soup tonight," he said.

The microwave beeped after a few minutes. Bruce carefully removed the bowl and place it into a bowl-shaped hot pad so you could hold the soup without burning your hands. Grabbing the final piece to the puzzle- spoon- he smiled at Nat and carefully rushed back to your room.

Inside, he handed you to the soup and spoon then settled into bed next to you. "Eat your soup but be careful- it's still hot."

You smiled and did as he said, slurping on the delicious chicken noodle soup. Bruce smiled at you, then retrieved the remote for the TV from the drawer of your nightstand.

"Let's watch something, yeah?" he suggested. You quickly nodded and he pulled up one of your all-time favorite movies and top comfort movie, Legally Blonde.

As he played the movie, Bruce couldn't help but smile at the memory of your second date. Bruce had been appalled at the fact that you had never seen the movie before. Looking at the poster, you even wanted to tease Bruce for liking such a movie.

And then you two sat and watched it.

And now it's one of your favorites, partially because of how truly awesome it is, but also partially because it's connected to Bruce.

When you finished your soup, Bruce set the bowl on the nightstand and you curled into him even more. You sent a loving look up to Bruce, who looked down at you and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

As far as being sick goes, it sucks- especially as an "indestructible Avenger." However, the recovery process isn't so bad.


A/n: Okay so I wrote this back before Christmas when I was sick (not a fun time to be sick btw, waking up at 4 am Christmas morning and then sitting in front of the toilet for an hour trying not to puke isn't very magical). And so I thought of this and wrote it! I think those 2-3 weeks of December were the most productive I've ever felt with my writing. Hoping it was enough to last me for a bit!

Since I'm writing this way before it's being posted, I have no idea what to tell you. Usually I write the author's note at the time of posting, but I'm prewriting to try and give myself as little stress as possible for my second semester of freshman year (currently happening).

Anyways, as always, I hope you guys enjoyed!

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!

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