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You and Bruce were currently sitting in the lab at the Avenger's Compound in Upstate New York. Bruce was poking a little green tree frog that was on his table. You were currently looking over it's DNA build. After a couple more minutes of silence, you both looked up at each other and shook your heads. "I'll take the frog out and tell him," Bruce offered. You nodded, alright tearing up from what the reaction would be.

Bruce picked up the little frog carefully, then walked out the lab doors, to the outside, and then to Thor's room. You stayed seated in the lab, marking in a notebook about the things you found out about the green creature, but it wasn't what you needed to find. Closing the book, you looked and saw the other few pages with notes on them about lizards, a caterpillar, and another frog. You smiled sadly.

"Alright (Y/N), we should get back to our new chemical weapon," Bruce said, his voice gentle. You nodded and stood up, then put your notebook away for the time being. "How is he?" You asked, a little worried about the god's worsening mood. Bruce only looked down and wiped his eyes a bit. "Broken," he responded. You nodded, understanding. You knew what he was going through.

"Alright, well I've come up with some new ideas of ways to disarm Hydra goons. It's a hallucination gas. I think we've got what we need. If not, I'll ask Tony," you said. Bruce nodded and you both worked on your new weapon for out in the field. You were a scientist and graduated at the top of your chemistry and science classes ever since middle school. You joined the Avengers after Civil War, and have gotten to know everyone on both sides well. After beating Thanos, when everyone moved back in, you felt a little better. There was a giant family there with you who would always have your back. But that also meant you'd have to be far away from them all during battle.

Your weapon was, obviously, chemical warfare. Bruce helped you make the weapons and find a way to only have it spread in a small area. It worked, and now you were just trying to come up with different things you could bring to the table.

"Okay, we need some more hydrogen, so let me go ask Tony to put in an order," Bruce said. You nodded and he left, leaving you to monitor the chemicals. Bruce came back to much later and you both went to work on what you could.

*Two Hour Time Skip brought to you by Writer's Block*

You and Bruce were done with what you could be, still short some hydrogen, when Thor walked in again, holding something. "What about this one?" he asked. His once booming voice has now become soft and broken. When he opened his hands, it was a cute little green snake, who was currently sticking his tongue in and out, over and over. "Okay," Bruce responded, gently. Bruce took the snake and walked over to the table, while you gave the towering god a hug.

"Guys," you heard Bruce say. Both you and Thor looked over and saw the snake start moving really quickly towards Thor, before falling to the floor and wrapping itself around Thor's ankle. You smiled at him. "He likes you," you told Thor. He smiled as well, tears in his eyes. Then, the snake slithered off Thor, and stayed in the middle of your group. "What's he doing?" you asked Bruce. Bruce shook his head, indicating he had no clue.

Before anyone could make another move, the snake became a bright light, which grew, and grew, before becoming the size of a person in a millisecond. It was too bright, to the point that everyone needed to cover their eyes. When the light was gone, everyone uncovered their eyes and gasped.

"Brother?" Thor asked. His eyes were full of tears, and he looked so happy, no one has ever been happier. "This isn't a trick is it?" Thor asked.

Bruce and you were in shock. There he was, the God of Mischief in all his glory, standing in front of you. "It's truly me brother," Loki responded. Thor opened his arms and caught the raven haired man in a hug. Thor clearly missed his brother, a lot. There were tears coming out of Thor's eyes, and you thought you heard Loki sniff a couple times. You and Bruce sat there awkwardly, and finally the brother let go of each other. Thor and Loki left the lab, Thor slinging his arm around Loki's shoulder. Before they left, Thor turned around and mouthed a 'Thank you' to you and Bruce.


A/N: Okay, so hey! I decided I needed a happier chapter today, so I went for it! Sorry it's shorter, I couldn't exactly think of what to do, but I wanted to post a chapter anyways.

Please vote and comment your thoughts! I could always use feedback. PM me for requests, or feel free to comment them as well.

Bye lovelies!

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