Hiding Never Works

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Happy Pride Month babes 😘

Being an Avenger and living with all of the other Avengers made having a private life kind of hard. Not for the public, oh no, that was pretty easy.

Keeping up a private life from the other Avengers was hard. You shared walls, a kitchen, an elevator. People would be shocked to know the amount of one night stands the Avengers have. You weren't a stranger to them either.

However, you'd been doing really good at keeping some of your interests away from the others. You weren't embarrassed to be bi- absolutely not. It's just... it's hard to reveal that aspect of yourself to people you'd known for so long. You knew they'd never judge you, but you were scared they might all the same.

It got so much harder when Carol Danvers came to stay for a while. She was... she was. You couldn't put it into words. Tony caught onto you at one point and you talked to him about it, and swore him to secrecy (for now). He gave you some advice, too, which felt weird to take from him but you thought why not!

The two of you hung out. Carol was amazing and funny and sweet and so hot and everything that made all of your confidence disappear. It was kind of funny, if you weren't so horribly attracted to her that you were basically embarrassed at how uncool you were acting around her.

When she had to leave, you kicked yourself for not going for it. So, that's probably what drove you when she came back a while later.

"Hey," you greeted. Carol was sitting in the common room, no one else in sight. This was your moment.

Even when she smirked and said 'hey' back, you kept your confidence high. "I was wondering... actually, I was hoping you might come out with me tonight. There's this pretty cool spot I like to go to where they don't allow paparazzi near and people inside don't give a shit."

Carol laughed, and you felt your chest swell with pride. "Sounds like a good spot. What time should we head over- unless you want to meet there?"

Now you laughed. "How about eight if that works?"

You both agreed and now you just had hours to stress about what you were going to wear and how this was going to go.

After having a momentary panic in your room involving clothes, you had FRIDAY get Tony down to your room. As the only person who knew about your crush (and tastes), he was going to be forced to help you.

"But we're going to the Hard Deck, which isn't a fancy place, but it's a date and I wanna look good."

Tony stared at you, blinked, then sighed. "You are making this so more difficult than it needs to be, (Y/n)," he said. Then, he moved right by you and into all the clothes around your room- practically nothing was in your closet at this point.

"Let's go with top and bottoms so rule out all the dresses," Tony said, handing you a giant pile of dresses he had picked up from around. You dutifully took them and hung them back up in your closet.

Next, he went through and decided jeans was the way to go, so every other type of bottoms you had went back up in the closet.

As for which pair of jeans, he did need your input just a bit. "I'm a high waisted fan," you offered, not really knowing what else to say. The only other thought you had was to tell him you wanted your ass to look good but that required him figured out which pair made them look best and that felt a step too far for right now.

"Okay, so then you could get away with a good cropped shirt of some kind..." Tony mumbled, mostly to himself. He handed you the jeans he eliminated and then went off to find the shirt selection.

He was pretty good at this.

After some eliminating and holding clothes up to your body, you two were standing at the foot of your bed, looking at your options.

"I feel like the black jeans are the right choice here. They look spectacular with those cute heeled ankle boots you got me for my birthday last year."

"Ooh, yeah that's a good call. They can handle a bar just fine."

"So now what top do I do?"

"Well, depends on the message you might want to send. We thinking cleavage? Or maybe a bit extra cropped? Or would you like there to be a sort of 'conversation starter' graphic just in case you need it?"

"Now that is super smart... Oh! This one!"

Finally, it seemed like you had the outfit you needed. And you still had plenty of time to actually get ready. Because you still had a few hours.

Tony helped you put the rest of your unchosen clothes away. When it was all done, he put his hands on your shoulders and said, "Don't stress, kid. I've seen the way Danvers looks at you- I don't think you'll have to work too hard. Just be yourself and let go a bit. Once you get relaxed and into the flow instead of your head, it'll be great. I promise."

You smiled and pulled him into a hug. Some days, Tony felt like the dad you needed. This was true for many of the younger Avengers including Peter Parker. He had that natural fatherliness and it was awesome for moments like this.

You pulled away and Tony left you to take some deep breaths to calm down. He was right- never let him hear you say that. The only way this night was going to go well was if you got out of your head and just went with the moment.

Tony had told you before he left that Happy was going to drive the two of you. It would have been even better if you could have walked with Carol, but for many reasons, that wouldn't be happening.

You texted Carol to let her know where to go for the private garage and then finally finished getting ready. Enough time had passed, you were finally in the right window.

Your mind was alive with so many different thoughts. Some were anxiety based, while others were very excitement based. Overall, you'd say you couldn't wait for the night to begin.


The next morning, you woke up with a headache and had no trouble at all remembering the previous night. It helped that you had another body in your bed.

Carol was still sound asleep, so you left a small note for her and got up. You needed water and probably some food, so you changed into something more appropriate and then made your way carefully out of your room.

The walk to the kitchen was quiet and it allowed you to reflect on your night last night. It was amazing (considering you woke up with her beside you...) and you couldn't stop smiling as you thought about it.

"What's up?"

The voice made you jump nearly nine feet in the air. Sitting at the kitchen island with a coffee in one hand and his phone in the other was Sam. His eyebrows were raised high at your reaction.

You smiled and tried to brush it off. "Sorry, I didn't hear any noise so I didn't think anyone was in here." You started to make your way over to get yourself some coffee.

Sam squinted at you, placing both his phone and coffee down. "Is that a hickey??" he asked you suddenly, making your face flush bright red.

"What? No! It's, uh, it's just a, uh... a m-mosquito bite! Yeah... yeah..."

That was unconvincing.

Sam narrowed his eyes, not believing you for a second, but just picked his coffee back up for a sip.

That's about when Carol walked into the room. "Hey guys!" she said, cheerful.

Sam smirked. "Hey mosquito."


A/n: another shorter one, but I wanted something cute for the first Monday of Pride Month!

Also, sorry for it being late, I'm in Paris!! Which is amazing, cause I've never been before :D

I hope you all like this and I will see you next week when I am back home!!!!!!

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