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TW: mentions of death (cancer), bullying

"Hi, I'm (Y/n) and I'm new here," you said and held your hand out.

The security guard looked down at the extended hand and then back up to your face, unamused. "You're not authorized to enter this premises."

You huffed in annoyance and crossed your arms, your suitcase was right by your side. "Well, Tony Stark is expecting me. You can get him down here right now to prove it, too," you said, the friendly demeanor fading a bit. It always annoyed you when people didn't take you seriously or even try to.

"That won't be necessary, I'm just coming back in from a lunch meeting," a voice behind you spoke, and you turned around with a grin.

Tony Stark stood behind you with his sunglasses still on his face in a nice suit. He opened his arms and you jumped in for a hug. "Uncle Tony!" you called, loud enough for the security guard to hear.

He wrapped his arms around you and patted your back. "Hey, kid. Long time no see. How you holding up?"

About two months ago, your mom AKA Tony's older sister passed away. She was a kind person and was never really one for the spotlight like your uncle was. In fact, the media didn't really pay much attention to her before she got married and changed her name. Her mind didn't even compare to the Stark men's, and they didn't think she had any other talents, so they ignored her.

She developed breast cancer six months ago, and it was caught too late to do much other than delay the inevitable. So after a four month battle, she decided to stop and pass on from the world. It broke your heart and, since you were still a minor (only sixteen) Tony was there to take you in.

He hated to admit how far apart he had gotten from his older sister, so he was happy to take over custody of you. The living situation would be interesting, living in the Avengers Tower with six other enhanced beings of some sort. It's not like he was going to ship you off to live alone in Malibu, though, so here worked.

"Come on, let's get you upstairs." Tony took your suitcase and brought you up to the first floor the living quarters started one. There were three total floors: the first had a living space that spanned two floors and had four rooms on that floor. The second floor also had four room, and the third floor was two huge rooms. One was Tony's, of course, and the other was now yours.

You cleared your throat and rocked on your heels. "Are the other Avengers here right now, or will I have to meet them at different times?" you asked.

Tony checked his watch. "They should all be here. I may have mentioned they needed to be so I could introduce you to all of them," he said. "But, I do need you to be careful. Loki, the bad guy, is staying with us on orders from his father. His brother is Thor and will be watching over him but I still don't want you going anywhere near him, okay?"

You sighed and nodded. This guy was an obvious nut job, but you felt like there was a reason for his actions. There's always something going on in the heads of tyrants like him, and some of it is trauma related. You wanted to learn more about him, but you would remain cautious as well.

"Well, let's hope I make a good impression," you said, and smiled at your uncle. You'd be fine, you were extremely friendly to people unless they gave you reason not to be. Like the security guard for not even trying to take you seriously.

Tony smiled and set your things down on the floor next to your bed. "You can either check out your room or come down and say hi. I know you're super excited to meet everyone so..." You smiled and set a couple things down on your bed.

"Well then let's go! I'm super excited to meet everybody," you said. Tony smiled, happy that you had some of his personality, and led you down to what he called the living room. It wasn't quite like the living room you remember having back at your old house but this was a billionaire's tower- it wasn't going to be like your suburban house. You hadn't seen it yet but Tony had told you about the tower.

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