Mischief Junior Part Two

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Odin's punishment was fair, all things considered. You had been worried about the nature of yours since you were human. But when it came time to sentence you, Odin's eyes were soft and he said the same thing to Loki.

Life imprisonment. It could be worse. This was much better than anything Thanos could've had in store. You were thankful.

Of course, you couldn't be in the same cell as Loki. You could be in the cell next door, though. This sounded wonderful at first until you realized you wouldn't be able to really see him. You two could just barely hear each other well enough to talk to each other.

Another plus side was the fact that Frigga still cared for you, and so you had some furniture in your cell. Just a bed and a chair, nothing much. But more than what others got, meaning you were sent glares from across the way.

For what seemed like forever, you laid on your bed or sat on your chair, waiting for anything to happen. You would stare at the wall or the ceiling. Every now and then, you'd think back to New York and wonder if there was anything you could have done to make things end differently.

You always came back to the solution that could have, if you had just tried.

And then one day, there was a prison riot.

You had been laying in bed, staring at the ceiling again when you heard clamoring. More than the typical noises from the guards' armor. You shot up and hurried over to your cell window, trying to look and find anything.

There was an explosion, then a load roar.

After a few seconds, you finally started to see a monster- too big to be a human, but possibly once was one- coming down the hall and breaking open cells. The prisoners would jump out and join in.

While the other prisoners seemed excited, you were scared. There was only so much magic you could use to hold these scary being off before they got to you. And they would try, absolutely they would try.

But then it got to your cell. It looked in at you, seeing your startled face, and moved along to the next one over- Loki's.

"You might want to take the stairs to the left," you heard Loki say. Clearly it sounded like he wasn't coming along for the journey, either.

As the escapees wrecked havoc, you sat agains the back wall of your cell in the corner, your legs tucked up to your chest. Watching.

It finally died after a while, the living prisoners who either surrendered or were too hurt to keep fighting were placed back in cells. The rest who didn't make it out of the fight were dragged out by guards.

Something felt off, though. There was something wrong about the way the guards acted. As if they were... sad.

A guard came down later, going to Loki first. Then, he moved to your cell. At this point you had moved to the chair, finding it more comfortable now that everything had stopped.

He had a grave look on his face, something you didn't like.

"What?" you asked, now very worried.

Swallowing hard and then clearing his throat, the guard broke the news. "The Queen... Frigga was killed earlier by a Dark Elf."

Your body froze. When you didn't answer, the guard stepped back and then left, leaving you alone with your thoughts. Suddenly you felt too exposed in the chair, like you were high enough for everyone to see.

You nearly crawled back to the corner you were in earlier and assumed the same position. Only this time, you let your head rest on your knees and cried. You could hear Loki throwing things in the cell next to you, and even felt some thuds on your shared wall. After a while, though, it slowed to a stop.

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