Gone, But Not Forgotten?

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Finding out a random kid you had a few classes with was Spiderman was definitely not on your bingo card, and yet it happened. The sweet, shy Peter Parker was exposed as the masked hero who started as a protector of the neighborhood before getting promoted to Avengers status.

While you may not have known him like MJ and Ned did, you knew Peter enough to know he wasn't the cold blooded murderer Mysterio was trying to paint him as.

He seemed to appreciate your support, returning the smiles you sent him in the hallway. When other people hesitated to sit near him in class or work with him on random assignments, you decided to step up to the plate. Just so he didn't sink deeper into the anxious pit you could see forming around him.

It had been a few days now since you had last seen Peter, and your worry only got worse when you saw on the news that his Aunt was killed. "Mom, I'm worried for him," you said at dinner that night.

She looked up from her plate and gave you a small smile. "You're just too kind for your own good. I'm sure he's just taking some time for himself after what happened."

Your little brother, who was sat across from you, scoffed. "He's a menace. It's his fault she died, he has no right to grieve."

The fork in your hand clattered to your plate and brought the meal to a halt. "You're kidding, right?" you asked, knowing this was leading to an argument. Your brother had never agreed with you on Peter, but at least he kept it to a random remark every now and then.

This is too far.

"Of course I'm not! Mysterio tried to warn us about how dangerous he is and everyone just moved on! And this is what happens- innocent people die!" he yelled, his own fork dropping to the table.

A fire lit up in your eyes. "It's not like he pulled the trigger!"

"We don't know that for sure."

"Why you-"

You started to get up from the table and that's when your mom cut you off. "Okay! I think we've had enough yelling. Finish your food- in silence- and then go to your rooms. I hear another peep from either of you tonight and you're grounded for a month."

Complying, you picked your fork back up and finished your food quickly so you could cool off in your room. Once in your room, you flopped on your bed and stared at the ceiling. You let out a shaky breath and just hoped Peter was okay.

In the morning, you expected there to still be some tension between you and your brother, but it wasn't anything you wanted to deal with.

You saw him as you walked in the kitchen and laid out the ground rules immediately. "I don't care what you think of Peter and how much you hate him, I'm just not in the mood to deal with it this morning."

"Who's Peter?"

That stopped you in your tracks, and you turned to face him. "Seriously? Are you kidding?" you asked, wondering if this was a weird 'silent treatment' thing he had going on.

Instead, he shrugged. "Why would I joke about not knowing some random dude? There's no point," he said.

Your eyebrows scrunched as you looked at him. He was right, this would be a stupid prank to play. "Hold on," you muttered, journeying back to your room.

The first place you went was your bookshelf to pull out last year's yearbook. You knew there was at least a couple different pictures of Peter in there: his yearbook photo and one of the group who went to Europe.

When you got to those pages, however, he was gone. "What the..." you flipped through, but he still wasn't there. Not even his name was listed.

In a panic, you threw the book in your hand aside and pulled out another one from years ago, one you absolutely knew he'd be in. And yet, he wasn't. His name wasn't even in the index in the back.

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