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A/n: I just finished a final so here you go! Apologies for it being a bit late :)

You had an interesting life to say the least. In the 70s, you were stolen from your home by Hydra. Being the child of a SHIELD official was their only motive, but they still made it impossible to ever let you go.

Until they were taken down in 2014 by one Steve Rogers. He knew about Bucky, who ran not long after Hydra was exposed to the world. What no one expected to find in the ruins of the Triskelion was another super soldier. A young woman, who looked to be only nineteen years old.

Natasha advocated for you immediately and took you under her wing. You owed her everything. Really, you owed the Avengers everything. They stuck their necks out for you so you wouldn't be taken to the Raft.

It was hard, living in a Hydra-less world. Per your request, Natasha helped teach you about the world and how it has changed since 1973. To say the least, there were a lot of differences. And you got the hang of them eventually.

She also trained you some, mainly just wanting to get a feel for who you were and your powers. You were different than the Winter Soldier. You had telepathy as well as the other Super Soldier

However, also per your request, you hadn't gone on any missions with the Avengers. Mainly because their main focus was taking care of underground Hydra facilities and trying to dig up more. The PTSD was strong and you worked too hard to lose all your progress now.

Which is why it took a bit longer for you to hear of the newbies. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Nat told you about them when she came back to the Tower for a bit. Said they were twins, enhanced by Hydra when they volunteered to be part of the experiments they ran.

The way you froze at the descriptions caught Nat's attention, but she didn't say anything about it. It wasn't hard to figure out what had hit you the wrong way. She didn't get it either.

And it sounded like that's all you'd ever know of the pair, until Steve brought them to the tower one night after Clint brought some coffin looking thing to Tony and Bruce.

Nat had been kidnapped, so you couldn't cling to her. In fact, you couldn't cling to anyone because they were so busy fighting with each other. You did send glares to Pietro and Wanda, so fierce they felt them and looked over at you hiding behind some computers.

You ducked and stumbled back when Pietro came running around and unplugging things. Then he was falling through glass. That's when hell broke loose. You stayed crouched behind, not willing to get involved in this.

When Thor came flying in, collecting the power in his hammer, some stray lighting zinged past you and nearly got you if you hadn't deflected it in time.

Then Thor was zapping the coffin and soon, a man-robot was causing a ruckus. While everyone was downstairs, trying to digest everything, you stayed up. You came to the railing to watch what was happening, but didn't feel safe enough to be near any of them at this point.

You very much didn't want to be near them.

Steve told you they were going to Sokovia to fight Ultron and his bots. He knew you wouldn't go, but he knew you'd at least want to know about it. They went, and you stayed put. You couldn't get them out of your head. It was so wrong.

Nat was okay. She and the others came back safely. Well, with her as well. He was killing in the battle, and you almost felt bad. Even so, you never went near her.

You didn't think it would be hard avoiding Wanda, but it was. She started to feel better at a point and was trying to get to know people. The others seemed to take to her well enough, but you never went near.

If you were in a room and she entered, you'd immediately leave. You always asked FRIDAY whenever she was in the training area so you didn't see her there either. No matter what the others said to you, they just... they didn't get it.

They were on a mission and you were in the common area, curled up with a book in your lap. It was your most common go-to when there was no one else in the Tower.

Or, when you thought no one else was in the tower. "(Y/n)?" The voice was quiet and hesitant, but it didn't stop you from knowing who out was.

You barely spared a glance in her direction as you got up from the couch, closing the book and effectively losing your spot. It wouldn't be hard to find later, you remembered the chapter you were in.

"(Y/n), please! I just want to talk to you," Wanda practically begged you.

"Well maybe I don't want to talk to you," you snapped, those being the only words you've ever spoken to Wanda before.

She didn't give up easily, though, and followed you. "What did I do that made you hate me so much?" she asked, no longer pleasant but mad.

You turned quickly, startling Wanda, and walked up to her and pointed a finger at her. "You. Everything about you. Your powers, your life, everything! Your life with Hydra, your whole 'redemption arc' you're going for!"

Wanda matched your energy and practically yelled, "How the hell does that make you hate me?"

"Because you got to choose!"

The words hung in the air as Wanda looked at you, stunned and at a loss for words. Tears pooled in your eyes, a couple starting to escape. There was no turning back now, and honestly, you didn't want to at this point.

"You got to choose all of that. You chose to be kept by Hydra, you chose to be tortured into these powers. You got to choose all of that! But me?" Your voice cracked and you were inching closer to full blown sobs. "I didn't get to choose. So that's why I can't stand to be around you. How could I? You complain of a life you chose."

Wanda didn't move as you turned and hurried away. Once you were in your room, you let it all go. Everything you've been feeling, everything you've been holding back since you got to the tower.

You let it all go.


A/n: I had this idea when I was thinking back to the scene in TFATWS when John Walker said Bucky had it "easy" with all that serum. I wanted him to lose his shit, but he's better than me, so I tried to come up with this! I hope this does my thoughts justice.

Plus, it was time for something sad. You guys have been lucky lately with all this happiness.

Come back next week for whatever else I cook up!

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!

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