A Happy Family

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A Happy Family

A/n: I decided to try my hand at a gender neutral reader! No gendered terms are used and I did my best to stay away from anything gender-related! If there's anything that needs revising, please comment so I can fix it, thank you so much! :)

Request by: iamKhrfan123

There was many perks to dating an Avengers. Even more when you're engaged to an Avenger. The biggest one was housing.

Tony, being the generous billionaire he is, created floors for each Avenger to live in after the Battle of New York nearly a decade ago. At first, Steve Rogers was okay with an apartment down in Brooklyn. Then... things happened and he needed a new place to stay. The Tower door was still open, so that's where he went.

And when you started dating him, you got a few nights in his floor of the tower. Some spicier than others- those others included Cody, your eight year old son from a failed marriage. At first, you were terrified to to tell Steve. The two of you met in a coffee shop! He had no warnings and you didn't want to lead him on then spring an entire human being onto him.

It was the second date when you told him. While it wasn't what he was expecting, he was over the moon anyway. Then your fifth date was Steve and Cody meeting each other. The two of you met Steve at a bowling alley and you introduced the two boys. Cody was pretty okay with he fact that you were dating a superhero (his words, not yours).

A few very successful months go by and now it was time for Steve to change the course of the relationship. As the two of you sat and watched a movie in his living room (the perks of having rich friends/co-workers), he couldn't stop the thought from coming into words and being thrown out into the world.

"Move in?" It was definitely a question.


"Move in with me? You and Cody. I mean, it's just a suggestion and if you're not ready then it's totally okay. Just know that I'm very willing and happy to take another step forward."

"... yeah, yeah okay. Let's do it. Are you sure Tony Stark won't mind?"

"Oh I think he'll be fine. Besides, I think the team finally needs to put some names and faces together."

You and Cody moved in just a few days later. Again, Cody was so excited. It had honestly surprised you that your little boy had been so accepting and loving of this relationship. It was definitely leaps and bounds better than the old one, there's no doubt there, so maybe he was just excited to have another parental figure who actually liked him.

Then another few days later, there was a small party thrown to welcome you and Cody to the tower. And you finally got to meet the Avengers. Safe to say it wasn't just Cody who was a bit starstruck by his new neighbors.

"Does he need anything? Like, I will get him a playroom type thing for him. Video games? LEGOs? Dolls?" Tony Stark was asking you.

You laughed, enjoying another pleasant surprise. "Oh, I don't want to burden you with anything," you replied.

"Seriously, (Y/n), it's no problem. I've got a ton of space in the tower- I could get Cody his own floor. Should I do a whole floor?"

"Okay! If that was your way of convincing me for a playroom- not floor- then it worked. Talk to the little man himself if you want to know what to do in there."

Cody was very excited to say the least.

And you were, too. Now you lived with your truly amazing boyfriend whom your son loved and things felt so right. The failed marriage under your belt gave you some anxieties every now and then, but Steve never failed to push them away.

Then, Steve decided he wanted to make another change in the relationship. You two had gone out to dinner with Cody- a cute little family. What you didn't know was they had been scheming behind your back.

"(Y/n)?" Steve suddenly asked. You had been looking over your shoulder at something, and when you faced him your hands flew to your mouth to cover your gasp.

He was in front of you on one knee, holding out a beautiful ring. "I love you so much, but not just you. I love our little family. My life has been a constant battle and for once I'm glad to have some peace in my life. You brought it."

There was a moment where he took a deep breath to collect himself. Your hands hadn't moved, but there was now a growing smile hiding under them and tears brimming and getting ready to flood down your face.

"(Y/n), would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

You nodded, unable to form words for a moment, then choked out a watery, "Yes!" The restaurant patrons (that you totally forgot about) started to applaud. Steve pulled you into a hug and slid the ring onto your finger. You pulled Cody up from his seat and brought him into a family hug.

Then it was your turn. You felt outnumbered in the "relationship altering suggestions." While you and Cody were planning Steve's surprise party, he dropped his own relationship-changing-bomb on you.

You were shocked, that's for sure, but also couldn't be more excited.

The day of Steve's party, you and all the Avengers plus a few of Steve's close friends were hiding for when he came out of the elevator onto his floor. JARVIS was in on it, too.

The lights lifted along with the people all yelling, "Surprise!" Steve was definitely startled, but smiled and knew you were the culprit.

A couple hours in and it was present time. Admittedly you were nervous, though you knew there was no reason to be. Cody was, too, but you reassured him plenty of times he'd like his present.

Cody's was last, you made sure of that. So after everything was opened, your little boy walked up to Steve with his present in hand. "Here you go, this one's from me," he said as he extended his arms and Steve took the bag.

He removed the tissue paper and inside, saw a folder. He was extremely confused until he pulled it out of the bag and opened it up. Inside on the flap was where Cody decided to write his message to Steve. It was secret- you didn't even know what he wrote.

On the other side, were adoption forms.

"Will you?" Cody asked, his voice small.

Steve looked to you and the tears you were holding back. He then looked at Cody and smiled wide. "Yes, of course. O-of course I will- thank you. This is the best present I've ever gotten," he said and pulled Cody into a huge hug.

The others were confused having not seen what was in the folder but didn't interrupt the moment. "Happy birthday... dad." Now the others got it.

To say he liked the present would be the understatement of the century.

After the party was "over" and everyone left, the three of you sat down and put on a family movie. "This was the best birthday, thank you," Steve whispered to you.

"Of course, Steve. I love you."

"I love you, too. Both of you."

You couldn't of been happier knowing Cody was going to have two loving parents. It was your happy little family.


A/n: I'm kinda emotional here, this was super cute to write! I really hope you guys like it and leave me some feedback on what you think of the gender-neutral reader! I'd love to be more inclusive to all my readers so please let me know what else you'd like to see.

But also I am a college student so my time is limited; I've spent a lot of my writing time on a couple books that I'm super excited for and hope you guys are too! I'm still doing my best to keep this book going, though, and have a lot of ideas and imagines in progress, my motivation just sucks ass lmao

Anyways, hope you guys have a great day! Please keep your faith in me, I will post things!

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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