My Hero

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A/n: This was requested by nicole_evansrogers97! Thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy it :)

"Careful on your mission babe," you said as Steve finished getting suited up.

He smiled at you, and as he walked by, placed a tender kiss on your forehead. "You know I will be, doll. I've got people watching my back today, too, so it should work out pretty well."

You moved up to your tiptoes and captured Steve's lips, giving him one more kiss before he had to leave. That's how it always went. You'd tell him to be careful, he'd promise, and most days he'd come back with some minor injuries. Few days, he'd come back and need to spend some time in the med bay.

Those few instances are what kept you up at night. Being an Avenger was one thing, having to watch out for your teammates all the time. Dating one of them, though? That added a whole new level of worry.

Steve and you hardly went on missions together, too, because there was a worry about either of you being too distracted by the other. While it made sense, it kept you from protecting the love of your life.

Luckily, this mission went smoothly. Steve having Sam and Nat with him helped keep him relatively uninjured. Only thing was the typical soreness and a bruise or two.

When he came back, he held you in his arms and promised he was okay and that everything went well. Once that was out of the way, you two relaxed and enjoyed your time together.

A week later, another mission came up. But this one was big. "We're all going?" you asked, already stripping and getting ready to get your suit on.

"Huge Hydra base, sounds like they were experimenting with mutants and mutant tech," Tony explained over the FRIDAY intercoms.

Beside you, Steve asked, "Mutant tech? What does that mean?"

"Technology and weapons that use mutant powers to defend the base. So Wanda's and (Y/n)'s, but in tech form so there's no possibility of them going rogue."

"Like we did," you concluded. You and the Maximoff twins had gone through similar trials, but yours were done at a different base and you had been found before they were. But the memories were still sharp knives stabbing you.

Steve set a gentle hand on your shoulder, and everything paused for a second as you wrapped you two in a time bubble. "(Y/n), it's going to be hard. It's a Hydra base and they probably know about you. Are you sure-"

"Yes. Facing this is the best way for me to get better. I promise, I'll be okay. You just have to promise me the same thing."

He smiled at you, and pulled you in for a kiss. "You know I do." You dropped the time bubble.

A few minutes later, everyone was hurrying onto the Quinjet as Tony got it powered up and ready for launch. By the time that was ready, everyone was on board and you were off to your mission.

During the flight, you refused to sit still. Even after going over the plan again and again, you felt nervous. And it wasn't just about this being a Hydra base. It was about Steve being out there, with things that could overpower him. And if they did...

You didn't want to think of the if.

To try and calm your racing heart, you paused in front of a mirror and looked over your suit. It was smilier in style to Natasha's, but was a navy so dark it could be black with gold trim going down the sides and your arms, and also wrapping around your waist like a belt.

It was hands down the best suit Tony had made you so far. Steve had agreed on several occasions.

"We're touching down in five, let's get moving," Tony announced.

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