Mini Hulk

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This is a request by love_is_adagger- I hope I did okay! This is an idea I've had for a long time, so I'm really glad I was able to mesh it with your request!


"How soon?"

"Less than an hour. We'll send you a message when the quinjet lands."

"Thank you."

Bruce Banner hung his phone up, thanking Tony for his fancy technology with secure lines available. With Ultron on the loose, he couldn't take any chances. You'd be there soon. Once you were, he'd be able to fully calm down.

He sat outside on the Barton's front porch, waiting. The others were inside, thinking that Bruce just needed a minute to calm down after being the Hulk earlier. He didn't correct them. They'll figure out the truth soon enough.

The hour stretched out to be the longest hour Bruce had ever experienced in his entire life. He kept checking his watch every few minutes just to convince himself the hour wasn't over yet. It never was. And then it finally was.

He heard the jet before he saw it. Bruce had to stand up and leave the porch to see the quinjet coming down into the grass in front of him. The door behind Bruce opened. He glanced behind him quickly and saw it was the others- the Avengers- coming out to see what was going on.

When the jet landed on the ground, Bruce hurried forward, ignoring the words of caution from his teammates.

The backdoor opened up and out came you, with your backpack on, and Bruce could feel himself finally relax. You ran up to meet him in between the jet and the house. He pulled you into a bone crushing hug, which you reciprocated. You didn't know what was going on, but you knew it was bad. Bruce had never done something like this before.

"You okay?" he asked, finally pulling away. The quinjet was lifting off and going back to wherever it came from.

You nodded, smiling. "Yeah, just worried. What's going on?"

"I'll tell you, I will," Bruce said. "Let's just... we should probably introduce you to the team first. They're on edge as is, this whole thing kind of freaked them out."

With another nod, you and Bruce turned toward the Avengers and started walking over. Bruce put a protective arm around your shoulders and you leaned into his side.

"Shall we go in?" Bruce asked once the two of you got to the steps leading to the Barton's home.

Everyone was confused, but nodded. Tony was curious how many other team members had secret... people.

Once everyone was inside, they all went to the edges of the living room- pretty much where they had stood when Barton introduced his family- and waited for Bruce to introduce you. You were younger than him, so they hoped you two weren't... involved for lack of better words.

Bruce finally decided to rip off the bandaid. "Well, everyone, this is my kid. (Y/n), these are my coworkers. You know them already. Except, uh, this is Clint's family, his wife and kids."

Everyone waved and you sent a wave back. "Nice to meet you guys," you said, a bit shy.

No one spoke, not sure what to say, so Bruce looked over to Clint. "I hope it's okay, I know it's kinda last minute-"

It was Laura who shook her head and smiled. "Of course it's okay, I'm sure she'll be fine sharing with one of the kids."

You opened your mouth to correct, but your dad beat you to it. "Actually, (Y/n) uses they/them pronouns," he said. It made you smile pretty big. He then looked down at you. "Is that okay?"

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