Christmas Special

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Christmas Special

Christmas. You loved it. The snow, the gifts, the time spent with your family and friends, it was all something you looked forward to every year. And let's not forget the amazing (but annoying) music that radio stations start playing 24/7. But you still loved it, and when you were about to have your first Christmas with the Avengers, you wanted to go all out.

"You wanna do what?" Clint asked surprised. Everyone was gathered in the living room, scattered out on couches and chairs, a few on the floor. You gather everyone in there to discuss the upcoming holiday.

"Secret Santa. It'll be fun and we don't have to worry about getting everyone a gift, only one person. Unless of course you want to get others gifts then by all means do, but I think this'll be fun and interesting," you explained further. Not even a second after you finished talking Tony spoke up.

"I'm in. Only because I want to see what poor person gets me, and if they can find me something," he said. You rolled your eyes and ignored the arrogant billionaire for a moment.

"I'm going to write down all the names of the people participating and stick it in a bowl or something and then we'll pick. Who's in?" Every hand went into the air, and you smiled at your success on getting the team on board to your awesome idea. You smiled brightly, before grabbing a bunch of little strips of paper out of your pocket.

Tony laughed. "So you were ready for this?" he asked you, smirking. You blushed slightly and set all the paper on the table in front of you, then looked at the smiling people in front of you.

"Well," you started, "I was hoping everyone would accept. I thought it'd be a great first Christmas for me on the team. My family doesn't want me down this year, so I still wanted to try and have a happy holiday!" you finished, smiling brightly. You casually skimmed over the family part for a reason, but it didn't escape some ears. Particularly Sam's.

"Wait. What do you mean 'your family doesn't want you down this year'? What happened?" he asked you.

"Paparazzi. I went down for my mom's birthday last month and they swarmed the place. I told them it was fine, we just had to meet up at some point to exchange gift," you simply stated. He nodded at you. "Alright everyone! Write your name down on one strip of paper please! Then fold it in half and place it in..." you paused as you tried to find your hat that you'd put the names in. Finally you remembered where you put it and pulled a top hat out of thin air. "Here."

Wanda smiled and laughed as she grabbed a piece of paper for her and Vision. "I'll never get used to your magic. You and Loki are wonderful with illusions and conjuring things out of thin air," she remarked. Loki, who was next to Thor, smirked and winked at you. You scoffed; what a flirt.

It took about 5 minutes more than hoped for and three Tony scoldings, but everyone's names were in the hat. You mixed them around with your magic and even managed to transfer some names from one paper to another. It made it more fun for you, seeing someone who complexly folded their paper get picked, but it not be theirs in the long run.

"Okay! Let's pick some names," you said, holding the hat out in front of you. The group got into a line and got ready to pick their Secret Santa. You had made sure that everyone knew not to spoil who they got, as it ruined the entire idea.

Everyone had picked a name out, and there was only one left for you. You plucked it out of the hat and then magiced the hat away with a flick of the wrist, and read the paper.

Thor :)

Aww, the God even drew a smiley face next to his name! A light blush powdered your cheeks as you hid the paper in one of the many pockets in your jacket, then walked to your room. Most everyone else had already left for their rooms or to go shopping already. You needed some time to think about what to get the God of Thunder.

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