My Bad...

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My Bad...

A/N: This takes place after Hoco and before Infinity War
(Y/f/d)= your favorite drink    (Y/f/i/c/f)= your favorite ice cream flavor

You were sitting at your desk in your room when it happened the first time. It had been a tough day in calculus and your teacher sent home piles of homework to be done by next class in two days. Since tomorrow was a busy afternoon, you basically had to get it all done tonight.

But all your homework was forgotten, as you stared at the phone in your hands, at a photo Peter Parker just sent you. The two of you had just finished talking about what you were doing for your science project. You thought the conversation was over, but instead he sent you a picture and it threw you off completely.

 You thought the conversation was over, but instead he sent you a picture and it threw you off completely

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It was the Spiderman suit. The suit! You stumbled around with your fingers on the keyboard before finally coming up with some sort of response.

(Y/n): Uhh Parker? What's this?

Of course you knew what it was, but you could also be seeing things. Sitting at your desk for the past three hours doing nothing but calculus probably screwed with your head a bit. The theory was far fetched but it could still be true.

It didn't even take 30 seconds to get a reply from the boy.

PP: Oh I'm so sorry! That was for Mr. Stark!
PP: You remember my internship at Stark Industries?
PP: I've just been helping with the suit and all that I promise!
PP: Mr. Stark is going to be pissed that I leaked sensitive info...
PP: Please don't show anyone!

You breathed a huge sigh of relief and smiled. Of course he wasn't Spiderman! Awkward, clumsy, quiet Peter Parker? It didn't fit together.

(Y/n): I swear not to show anyone. I'll delete it off messages right now.

You went to delete the picture, but something else came over you. Instead, you saved the picture discreetly to your camera role and then deleted it. You took a screenshot and sent it back to him.

(Y/n): See: all gone!

PP: Oh thank you so much!

Now that that was sorted out, you put your phone down and tried to get back to your homework. However, the picture of the suit was really tempting to look at. So, instead of being a good student, you picked your phone back up and looked at the suit in your camera roll. The case it was in was strange and really high-tech looking; perfect for a Stark creation. The detailing of the suit was also super cool. It was a really interesting design and you wondered to yourself if Peter Parker had much to do with the actual designing part.

Finally you put your phone away and got back to calculus.

The second time it happened, you were sitting in Starbucks drinking (y/f/d) while scrolling through Instagram. It had been a week since the first incident, and Peter acted as thought nothing ever happened. Which was fine, you certainly didn't want him to get in trouble with Mr. Stark, but you looked at the suit picture almost everyday when you were at home. It was just so freaking cool to see the suit!

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