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**Timelines will not match up and I don't entirely care. This is a weird AU where I'm actually happy with everyone and everything lol**

The moment the news reported that COVID-19 reached New York City, Tony made every single person in the tower get tested for it. By everyone, he means anyone and everyone who steps foot into the facility on a daily basis, from the Avengers themselves to the cleaning crew. Tony was serious in making sure everyone was healthy. Pepper attempted to reassure him that the upstate facility was unlikely to get infected, but Tony wouldn't hear of it. After he double-checked that everyone got tested, news of the quarantine hit. Tony sent everyone home to their families and ensure they would still have jobs and get paid. The only people in the compound now were all of the Avengers and Tony's family. You fell into both categories as Tony's daughter with the ability to manipulate earth and plant life.

Everyone thought quarantine would be over soon, and that the team could be easily entertained the entire time. You were all stuck in a state-of-the-art facility with so many games, a gym, a pool, an underground movie theater, and just a giant common room to hang out in. You also had the last bit of your junior year of high school to finish up at home, which sounded absolutely amazing at first. Your quarantine could be a lot worse than it was.

But you were a few weeks in, and everyone was getting on each other's last nerve. School was abysmal and took so much time out of your day (teacher expected you to have no other life other than school apparently). Everyone was bored of playing the same games, watching the same movies, hanging out in the same spaces all with the same people.

You had decided to stay in your room to do school, figuring that the others would be too distracting. Oh, and your entire identity was a secret. Nobody knew who Blossom was under the mask, and nobody knew you were Tony Stark's eldest. So for school Zoom calls you couldn't have any of the Avengers popping in on your screen. They obliged (for the most part).

Today you had a chemistry Zoom call and were just logging in once it hit 11 am, the time of the meet. Your teacher, Ms. Allen, was the first person that popped up on screen, followed by your other classmates who actually decided to show.

"Good morning guys! This is one of our last Zoom calls before the end of this virtual school year, so it's not going to be too much. Just finish out strong!" You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at her perky attitude. Either she was amazing at acting sane or she really was sane. "So today we are going to do some easy stuff, just going to go over the periodic table and the categories for each element. Easy, right? Alright, let's start."

Her voice went on as you sat staring at the computer in silence. Everyone on the call was forced to keep their screens and microphones on at all times to ensure you were actually doing work. People still blatantly played on their phones or did other things, of course.

As the lesson went on, you suddenly heard a lot of screaming and yelling from outside. The entire class did too, because everyone was silent and looked at you for an explanation. It was silent for a moment on your end, and then you heard more screams.

"I have to go," you said quickly, and left the meeting without waiting for a response. You stood up from your chair so quickly it fell down behind you, and then ran out of your room towards the source of the noise. It lead you to the common room where you saw a sight you didn't think you'd ever see.

Peter was crawling on the ceiling in full Spiderman gear and had managed to get Bucky wrapped up in spider web and hung him from the ceiling. "What the fuck?!" you yelled out, which caused the screaming and movement to halt. Well, Bucky still flailed around in the strange cocoon he was in. "What-how-why- Peter?!"

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