Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me

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Another request by Lalelu10001! I hope you enjoy! (Also peep the Grey's reference lol)

You first met Steve when Director Nick Fury introduced the two of you on a mission. You're past was one of mystery to everyone (except Fury) which worried Steve at first. Then, the mission happened, and he realized you were a damn good agent and almost immediately was able to put his trust in you.

It started casual, where you two would throw jokes back and forth to one another, until finally it snowballed into you two becoming the best of friends. No one really even knows the moment where you went from 'acquainted' to 'besties.'

You guys were nearly inseparable, too. Whenever you could hang out with each other, you did. It got even easier when you joined the Avengers.

The solidifying moment for you? That was probably the night you two opened up about everything. You were a tiny bit tipsy and Steve was high on the night.

You don't know why you decided to tell him, but you did. Steve finally heard about your past and what brought you to SHIELD. It was a hard story to listen to, but you knew he needed to know it.

It meant everything to him that you trusted him enough to open up.

Then, you two were talking even more, and you told him something you genuinely never planned to reveal.

"Is it bad that I kinda have a tiny crush on you?" you said in a fit of laughs.

Steve was still laughing, but shook his head. "No, no, cause I have one, too," he wheezed out though his laughs.

When the two of you realized what you had just admitted out loud to the other, you both froze.

Steve spoke up again. "But... I don't know, I just... I still think about Peggy all the time and I don't know if I can ever truly move on from her or forget her. It feels... wrong."

The one that got away. You knew about her and how Steve felt, which is why you felt so stupid for telling him that you felt the way you did.

Things were strange for a while after that. You guys distanced yourself automatically, not even talking to each other about it. The others noticed the shift, too, and didn't know how to take it.

"(Y/n), I'm sure it's fine. Just... talk to him again. Be friends again. Don't be weird about it, either, just... talk," Natasha told you one day.

You sighed. "Yeah... yeah, I'll go talk to him. But not confrontationally, I just wanna have my best friend back."

Natasha gave you a playful glare. "I thought I was your best friend?" she asked, but she knew the answer.

With a laugh, you replied, "Know your place." The two of you went down in a fit of laughs.

A couple days after your conversation with Natasha, you slowly started hanging out with Steve again. It was clear to you how much he had missed you as well, and finally you guys started hanging out like before.

That's what you were calling it. Before and after. It wasn't really an incident that marked the time, just... before and after.

The only reason there was a before and after is because after you told Steve about your tiny crush out loud, it grew. Like, a lot. You hadn't intended for it to happen, you honestly hoped the opposite would happen. Your friendship with Steve was one of the most important things to you. You couldn't lose him for real.

Sadly, no matter what you did, your feelings wouldn't go away. They may have grown even stronger the more you tried to bury them.

It came to a new peak after The Snap. That day in Wakanda was the worst thing. It tore you apart and you lost yourself and who you were after people dusted away.

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