Reversed Role

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Reversed Role


"Okay team, get ready to get mission information," Cap said as he walked into the meeting room where the rest of the team was sitting. They were all wearing their training clothes, as it had been the team's mass training day. Cap, however, was now wearing his uniform. He opened up the mission file on the tablet and projected it up for the team to see (with Tony's help, of course).

"Alright. We need to infiltrate the HYDRA club, so we can get to the boss of the next sector. He like the ladies Nat or Wanda are up," Cap said. He looked over to Natasha Romanoff, but she shook her head no.

"I'm still out on injury. And you know Wanda would never be able to control her powers in that situation. She's still in training anyways, after what happened last time..." Nat trailed off.

"Well it's not my fault that self absorbed excuse for a human tried to violate my personal space!" Wanda proclaimed. Everyone around the room just shrugged and decided silently it was wise to move past that.

Cap continued speaking. "Well, we need a female to dress up all...sinful, I guess, to get inside the HYDRA club. It'll be the easiest way for us to get in and collect information. We need to limit our casualty count."

Tony rolled his eyes and spun in his chair a bit. "Come on Cap, just say "slutty" or whatever. We all get it, it's what gross people like him see in a woman," Tony said as he pointed to the picture of the HYDRA leader they were going for. He did seem like the kind of person who would judge a woman on how shamelessly she showed off her body.

"Stark, you are the same way," Clint commented.

"Was. Was the same way," Tony corrected.

"If I may continue," Cap said. "We need someone to fit this role. Any agents we could use? Do any of you know anyone who would work?"

Everyone looked around at each other, until Nat finally sighed and dropped her head to her lap. She was typing on her phone. "Yeah," she said. "I might know someone. Might."


"Okay, so let me get this straight. You want me to do some super secret spy stuff with you again, but this time it's for good, and I won't be getting paid, I can't tell anyone else about it, and I can't wear jeans and Converse? Yeah you are absolutely crazy Natasha," you said as you sipped on your Frappuccino from Starbucks.

You and Nat were currently sitting outside of Starbucks under an umbrella, watching as people walked by and made sure that nobody was watching. They were trained to be spies; it was in their nature to check their surroundings. The wind blew and you wrapped your garnet scarf tighter around your neck.

"Look, (Y/N), these people need some help. Their good people and won't try to kill you. They'll be there to help you and you just need to do something that probably will last three hours at max. No, you aren't getting paid, but I thought you didn't do that anymore?" Nat asked, smirking and raising and eyebrow.

You proceeded to roll your own eyes. "Look Nat, I appreciate the offer, but it might have to be a no. There is absolutely no way I'm wearing a dress, especially if I'm not getting a reward. And for three hours?! You really have changed since you became a good guy," you finished up, leaning back into your seat and taking a nice, long sip of your drink.

"Please, (Y/N). I don't usually beg, but we don't have any other options and this is the 'cleanest' way to take care of this issue." She put air quotes around cleanest, making you laugh a bit. "And look, with you there, it will totally take like, one hour rather than three. Please (Y/N), do it for me? I'll owe you."

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