Soon You'll Get Better

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Soon You'll Get Better

**TW: themes of depression, self harm, suicide attempt and is over all pretty angst**

For two hours you sat there, on the wooden steps into his house. For two hours, people milled about outside and inside giving each other hugs and condolences. For two hours, your mind ran around and tried to come up with a solution. But there was no solution. Anthony Edward Stark was dead, and nobody could do anything about it.

Pepper was hit really hard of course. Someone she had known for over 15 years died in front of her. Morgan was still a bit confused about the whole thing, but she understood he wasn't coming back. Peter was trembling and Aunt May held onto him as if he'd slip away again. Rhodey and Bruce/Hulk were trying to cope with losing a super close friend. Old Steve mourned with Sam for a while, then left to go return the stones. You felt awful for Bucky, who came in underdressed because he didn't expect to be invited, and he never had a chance to apologize to Tony. Everyone had such strong connections to Tony, so why would you, the high school intern he chanced on be in a pool of your own tears?

Eight years ago Tony had found you trying to break into the Avengers Tower. You were going in to steal tech and sell it on the black market. Rather than calling the cops, Tony asked you a very simple question: "Why?" It brought you to tears and you spilled everything about your life to Tony; the endless nightmares, abusive parents and past boyfriends, the bullies at school, and how you desperately needed to get away from home as often as possible. So, he offered you the internship.

Originally it started as a way for you to get away from home and have a quiet place to just study and do homework, even to sing a little bit. Then you started to hang out around the lab (there was a lot of confusion on your half with some problems, and he mostly hung out in the lab anyways) and pick up on some of the things him and Bruce worked on. Science became an interest, and Bruce introduced you a whole new world of biology. Your after school study spot became an actual internship with Bruce and Tony.

This led to you three having so much fun in the lab, including impromptu karaoke battles. Those were your favorite, and FRIDAY always said that you were the winner. But no matter who won, the three of you enjoyed yourselves.

Peter then became Tony's mentee and you felt a little pushed aside, but Tony made sure to always be there for you if you needed to break down, or even just to talk to. Things were okay. Tony was slightly stressed over Peter, but he managed his powers and life after awhile.

That's when the war from space came.

You were nothing but a smart mind, yet Bruce convinced you to come with him to Wakanda and help find a way to save Vision. It was so weird meeting all of the other Avengers for pretty much the first time, but your mind was occupied with worries over Tony.

Along with Shuri you tried your best to help with Vision, but her mind outweighed yours by a lot. So instead you tried to stay inside and offered any help you could to Shuri, Wanda, and/or Vision. You also sang to calm yourself (and seemingly everyone else) down.

When a member of the bad alien group came through the room. You looked around and found a very sharp thingy. Taking the biggest risk of your life, you ran up and stabbed the alien in the side with the sharp thing. He took a good hit, and then stabbed you in side. You let out a yelp and fell to the floor.

Vision tackled the alien out the window, and Shuri came to your aid. Shuri asked if you were okay. Clearly you weren't, so she took you to her medical table and helped stitch your side back up. As she did, Shuri faded away into nothing but dust.

It took until the remaining Avengers came to check on you that everything was explained. The big bad purple alien, Thanos, had snapped his fingers with some stones that cause half of the universe to disintegrate. Many of the Avengers had even been snapped away. Your head was spinning after the information take in, and you were terrified to find out Tony's fate.

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