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"Can you come here for a second, honey?" you called from your spot on the couch.

Bucky came over from the kitchen. "Whatcha need, doll?" he asked, his metal hand shoving grapes into his mouth.

You rolled your eyes (with affection, of course) and said, "Come sit on the floor in front of me for a second."

He did as you asked, coming over to sit with his back leaning up against the couch right in front of you. With your Stark phone balanced on your thigh, you watch the video and pulled the correct strands from Bucky's hair, separating them just the lady in the video did.

"(Y/n), Doll, you know I love you. Why are you braiding my hair?" Bucky asked from the floor, confused. He didn't move away, because he did enjoy when you played with his long hair, but he was confused on when you graduated to braiding his hair.

You kept your eyes on the phone screen, flicking them over to your hands working through your lovely boyfriend's hair. "Well you're the perfect head of hair for me to practice on. I just want to learn how to do more braids is all," you answered.

Bucky hummed and continued to munch on grapes as you French braided his hair. Again, he enjoyed it, so he wasn't going to complain about it. The other guys may tease and all that, but he had you and they didn't so he didn't give a rat's ass about their opinions.

After a couple more practice sessions, Bucky noticed Natasha in the living room with a pair of French braids in her hair. "Hey, did (Y/n) do your hair?" he asked as he sat down on the opposite end of the couch.

Natasha nodded as she finished taking a drink of water. "Yeah, she asked if I wanted a couple and I figured why not. They're really cute, too," she said, twirling the end of one of the braids.

Bucky couldn't help the proud smile that came to his face. The first braid she did was okay, the second better, and the third even better. She was really good at picking up new skills pretty quick, he noticed.

The next day, he was finishing up his workout and saw you walk in with Wanda. He smiled, then noticed the complicated looking French braid in Wanda's hair. "Whoa, nice braid, Wanda. Did (Y/n) do it?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Wanda nodded with a smile. "Yep! We decided to practice fight today and she offered to put my hair up," she said, her bright face going from a proud Bucky to a sheepish you.

"Well you know, I gotta keep my skills up," you said, trying to wave off the compliments. Bucky walked over to you and Wanda, wrapping his arm around the front of you and gave you a short kiss.

"Your skills are amazing, Doll," he complimented, enjoying how your face got redder.

You mumbled a small thanks and then hurried over to some mats to warm up and get ready for your exercise with Wanda. Bucky watched and noticed that your hair was in a simple ponytail. He shrugged, moving on with his day.

A couple days later, Carol Danvers came down to Earth for a quick universe update. Her hair had been growing in quite nicely after she shaved it in support for her friend when she got cancer. In a quick team meeting for the update, Bucky again noticed the French braid on Carol's head. It started on one side and wrapped around to end up on her other shoulder.

He knew it was your handiwork, and it was really amazing, but he realized no one could do your hair. Yours was always down, in a messy ponytail, or a messy bun on the back of your head. But never in the gorgeous, complicated braids you did on others.

Right now, however, he couldn't do much, so he decided he'd wait until later when you were busy. Then he'd put his plan into action.

He started out with simple YouTube videos, some of the same ones you watched. After he felt confident enough for a head of hair, he approached Natasha one Saturday while you were on a mission with some of the others.

"Hey, Natasha, do you mind doing something for me?" he asked, having just knocked on her bedroom door.

She sat up a bit from where she was chilling, setting her book to the side. "Everything okay?" she first asked.

"Yeah, it's just a surprise for (Y/n). I noticed she's been really excited to braid other's hair- I even saw she had done one in Thor's hair- but never in hers. So I... well I've been watching videos so I can do her hair," Bucky explained. His hand rubbed the back of his neck the entire time and a light flush had adorned his cheeks for most of the explanation as well.

He looked back up at a smiling Natasha. "Of course, as long as you don't screw up my hair. Feel free to practice while I read," she said.

They adjusted to where Natasha was sitting on a stool to a chair she had in her room with Bucky sitting behind her on the edge of her bed.

He pictured the steps from the videos in his head as he weaved around Natasha's hair. A few times, she even threw in a couple tips to make things lay flatter or get the braid tighter. By the time you sent a message to let Bucky know you were heading home, he had a pretty good grasp on braiding.

"Thank you so much, I owe you," Bucky said as he got up and left to meet you in your room.

Natasha smirked. "I'll keep that in mind," she said, but even Bucky saw the way she looked over her hair in the mirror, somewhat impressed, but very happy with it.

He got to your room and head some murmur from the TV, knowing you were inside. With a light knock, he gently pushed the door open. "Hey Doll, you doing all right?" he asked as he came in and lightly shut the door behind him.

You were already dressed in your pajamas and were laying in bed. "Yeah, just exhausted," you answered.

Bucky figured this might be a good time to try out his braiding skills, since you usually put your hair in a simple side braid at night to keep it from getting too tangled and messy. "Here, I'm going to get changed and then try something," he said.

After he got into his own pajamas, he got under the covers with you. "Lay in between my legs real quick," he said, grabbing your body to try and maneuvers you.

"As fun as that sounds, I'm way too tired tonight."

"No, not that Doll, something else." You nestled in your spot and Bucky situated you in a way that was the most comfortable for you and for him to get his braiding on.

You felt his hands go into your hair and immediately melted into the touch. With this, your first thought was a massage- which sounded great after the mission you had today. Unexpectedly, he started to do something very familiar.

"Honey, are you braiding my hair?" you asked, a smile growing on your face.

Bucky smiled, too. "Shh, just close your eyes and relax Doll. Let me take care of you and do your hair for once, okay?"

You just hummed, your eyes already closed before he told you to do so. Somehow, when Bucky was supposed to pull pretty tight on your hair, he made it as gentle as possible. It made you even more relaxed if that was even possible at this point.

He finished it off with a smaller hair tie to hopefully minimize how much you felt it in the night. "There you go, beautiful. 'M all done," he whispered, now pulling you back so he could hold you.

You were close to sleep, but were conscious enough to smile and whisper back, "Thank you."

"Anything for you. Anything for you..."


A/n: this is literally me just writing what I wish would happen to me. I am huge on physical touch as a love language and having somebody play with/braid my hair? I would fall in love instantly. So I wrote a little self-indulgent imagine about it. I hope you guys liked it as much as I did!

I'm thinking about what I'm gonna do with my other books, and would love to hear thoughts from y'all! I have two new ones ready to start going but also have some sequels I know you are waiting for. Let me know!

Stayed tuned for the next imagine!

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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