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Originally published: 9-29-2018
Edited: 9-29-2020

A/N: Quick note, I saw this online and got inspired for this imagine! Hope you enjoy!


Tony was down in the lab, like usual, working on an elaborate April Fools joke for his science bro, Bruce. It was a fun joke, really, but Tony couldn't quite figure out the last bit of it. "Come on you hunk of metal, you can help me get you working," Tony muttered to himself. Just as he was wiring something together, you popped in.

"Sup Tony! Whatcha doin'?" you asked innocently.

However, since Tony hadn't heard you walk in, you startled him, and he accidentally touched one wire next to a different one. "Jeez!" Tony yelled, before something shot out of the machine. Tony jumped behind it and hid, while you and everyone else in the tower got affected by it. Once the machine died down, Tony cautiously poked his head out from behind it. "(Y/N)?"

There, on the floor, where you used to be, a small baby was now there. She looked exactly like you and her clothes were exactly like the ones you were wearing, so Tony knew his prank worked.

"Crap! (Y/N)!" Tony exclaimed as he raced towards you. You were now crying hard, but as soon as Tony picked you up, you calmed down a bit. Your (e/c) eyes looked into his chocolate brown ones, and you smiled at him, before closing your eyes and cuddling into his chest. "Oh god you're so cute," Tony mumbled, smiled down at baby you in his arms.

He decided to see what everyone else was like, so he hurried out the lab with you, and up the stairs to the main living room. When he got there, it was different than he expected.

They were kids, unlike you, who was a baby. "Interesting," Tony said quietly. Then Bruce turned around and saw his friend in the doorway.

"Tony!" Bruce yelled. His voice was higher pitched, which threw Tony off big time. "What the heck happened man! Why are we kids and why are you an adult? And what are you holding?"

By now, everyone had noticed Tony and you's presence in the room and were now crowding to see what he was holding. "It's (Y/N). She turned into a baby down in the lab. How are you older kids though?" Tony wondered aloud. He looked around at the group before him.

Thor and Loki were playing around together, Clint and Nat were sitting on top of a cabinet chit-chatting, Bucky was letting Steve rest on him (who had turned back into the walking health problem), Sam was playing with Redwing, and Bruce was reading a book. Then Tony saw teenage versions of Pietro and Wanda walk into the room, with some snacks in their hands, a teenage Vision following Wanda like a lost puppy.

"Look, some how my April Fools prank made everyone younger again, but what I don't get is why (Y/N) is a baby, while you guys are like what, eight to fourteen years old?" Tony said. The group nodded along, and Tony thought for a second, before ultimately decided to look at his tablet and figure out what to do. But he had baby you in his arms and didn't want to just lay you next to him or anywhere.

Turning to Thor, who was probably the oldest of them all, and handed you to him. "Thor, can you watch (Y/N) while I go see how to fix this?" Tony asked the small god. Thor nodded, and a huge grin spread across his face as he took you in his arms, then walked over to Loki so the three of you could have fun.

"Alright, everyone please stay in here, and if you need anything I'll be in the kitchen," Tony instructed. Nat looked at him, one eyebrow raised.

"We still have our adult brain, moron. We know where everything is and what to do," Nat said, rolling her eyes very dramatically. Tony just shook his head at her and left for the kitchen.

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