The Sacrifices We Make

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Joining the Avengers was possibly the best decision you ever made. It started out one gloomy Brooklyn night. You decided to use your hidden powers for good, fighting crime in the streets. You only ever wanted to use these powers you had for good. That's how Tony Stark met you. He told you that you could trust him, and you decided to believe him.

That was the best idea. You were never close to your family, always feeling like something worse than the "ugly duckling" with them. Leaving them didn't end up being that hard.

"Welcome to the Tower, kid," Tony said, holding his arms out. You trailed after him, a suitcase of your belongings following behind as you took everything in. This was better than you could ever imagine.

"This is... thank you, Mr. Stark. Really, this is amazing..." you managed to say. He just smiled at you, glad that he could help out another kid.

After you got all set up in your room, he brought you out to meet the rest of the team. Most of them were there, only a couple like Thor and Natasha were missing, being out on missions. Spider-Man wasn't there, either, mainly for secret-identity reasons.

"Everyone, please welcome (Y/n) to the team! I'm sure you guys will welcome her with open arms, yeah?" They all waved at you, giving award winning smiles as well. You waved back, on the shy side.

"What can you do?" one person, Sam Wilson, asked you.

You looked over at Tony, who gave you a nod as if to say 'go ahead,' so you did. With your hand lifted up, you closed your eyes and contracted on the energy inside. You opened your eyes back up and showed off each element in your hand.

A twisting flame, a rippling ball of water, a small tornado in the palm of your hand, and then grew a flower last. "I can control the elements, and I'm still learning to what extent I can," you quietly explained as you plucked the flower from your hand.

"Impressive." You looked up to find the source of the voice and saw a stunning woman staring back at you. Her brown eyes bore into yours and you found it nearly impossible to look away. "If you need help, I'm sure I can offer some."

You swallowed and let your mouth fall open. "Uh, um, yeah. Sure. That sounds... that sounds good," you muttered. When you felt other eyes on you, you remembered where you were. Your cheeks heated up and your eyes finally moved and went down to the floor.

"Right then," Tony said, clapping his hands. "Let's grab some grub, come with me (Y/n)." He started to walk to the elevator, you following close behind. Before you turned a corner, you glanced back to the beautiful brown eyes.

In the car with Tony, he glanced at you multiple times before finally saying something. "You like her, don't you?"

Broken free from your thoughts (that definitely weren't about her), you turned to him. "What do you mean?" you asked attempting to be nonchalant and chill.

"Wanda. The one you stared at for an hour in front of everyone. That's what I mean."

Your face turned bright red almost instantly and you stared out the windshield. "It wasn't an hour..." was all you managed to mumbled. Tony just laughed and shook his head.

"Well, I hope this crush doesn't impact you too much. She's the only one best equipped to train you. Maybe Thor could help a bit as well, but she's really all you've got."

Tony's words rang in your head, and soon enough you were training, and not just with Wanda. Natasha taught you strategic fighting technique, Steve taught you ways to keep your adrenaline up and to use the strengths you had, and Tony taught you how to use a lot of the tech that was usually on the field.

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