Roses Part 2

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Roses Part 2

**If you haven't, in order to get a better understanding of what's about happen, I'd highly recommend going back to the part one of this and reading it. Thank you, that is all**

This was sorta requested by Leshtique They commented a while back if I could do a part two, and here it is!


You had been living in the Avengers tower for about one and half months now, because of the looming threat of Carson Perez. One day after staying at the tower for a week you decided to go to your apartment to check on everything, and found creepy photographs of you in your everyday life. To say the least, you've never ran faster in your lifetime. Not even on missions.

Yesterday Tony, Wanda, and a voluntary Nat went to your place to collect all of your things and put the place up for rent. You knew Carson was angry, because later that night a note was left on the front door of the tower from him.

Tony had you on the highest floor of rooms, which just so happened to be right below his personal floor and right beside Wanda's room. The two had been nothing but helpful for you as you continued to try and train and prepare for missions, even when Carson scared you so much.

"Wanda!" you yelled out, grabbing her attention. She hurried over to you and helped you lift the weight that was crushing your chest. Once it was off, you sat up and let out a heavy sigh. "Thank you. I guess 300 pounds was too big of a jump for me."

She scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. "Of course it was! Just yesterday you were lifting only 150. You can't just double it overnight, and Steve was the one who told me that!" Her yelling got quieter as she saw your tired state. "(Y/n), you need to take a day off. Stop pushing yourself to train every single day. We should go hang out outside the tower today. Just us two," Wanda said, suggesting you should leave the safest place on Earth at the moment and risk getting caught by your delusional and abusive ex. Well, at least that's what you interpreted.

"Wanda, I'm not leaving the tower. It's too dangerous," you said as you stood up. You grabbed you sweat towel and water bottle from a bench and started to walk out of the room. Wanda ran and caught up with you.

"You'll be okay! I don't think he'd do anything in broad daylight. And hello, you'll be with me," Wanda said, and you two started laughing.

You let out a defeat sigh and mumbled a 'fine', and let Wanda drag you up to your room so you could get out of your sweaty training gear. She let you know that she'd wait for you in the common room, and left you to do your thing.

To stay casual, you decided on a teal colored, loose t-shirt, a pair of light blue denim jeans, a long black sweater, and some black velvet ankle boots. You looked at yourself in the mirror and nodded, then left your room to meet Wanda.


You two spent the day out an about, window shopping and eating a lot. It was fun, to the point where you had pretty much forgotten about why you were scared in the first place. The two of you were just walking down the street, arm in arm and carrying some shopping bags, when you saw your favorite clothing store.

"Oh my god it's (f/c/s)!! We have to go!" you yelled excitedly, and you dragged Wanda faster down the sidewalk. The two of you entered the store and went straight into looking at the clothes. Wanda came over and handed you some cute stuff, and begged you to try it on for her.

"Alright fine. But I may or may not get it, so don't have your heart set on this outfit," you told her on your way back to the dressing rooms. You found a room that was closer to the back, next to an emergency exit. In your head, you thought of someone mid change having to sprint out of the dressing rooms, causing you to chuckle a bit. That noise hasn't been heard for a while, you thought as you entered the dressing room.

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