Live Meeting

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Live Meeting

A/N: You guys seem to like casual Avengers stuff more, so I decided to whip this up! It's not my best, but I felt like you guys deserved something :)

"What's up guys! (Y/n) here with yet another weekly vlog!"

You sat in your desk chair in your room and spun around a bit. The phone in your hand (on selfie mode so you could see what you looked like) was live-streaming on Instagram and you already have a couple million people tuned in. Of course, more were promised to come. You were the only Avenger with a vlog and this was the only way people got a glimpse of the Avengers and their 'domestic life'.

"I feel like it's been way too long since I've seen you guys! But like, it's only been like, what, a week? Time just doesn't exist anymore if I'm being 100% honest. Like, I honestly don't remember the last time I could tell you like, what day of the week it was without having to like, load my brain and figure it out only to look at my phone calendar."

The number of people tuning in rocketed up to about ten million right now. You smiled at the people who actually cared about you and your life. On the bottom of the screen you saw thousands upon thousands of people just spamming you with things ranging from love to hate.

"I'm really so glad to see you guys here today. It's been like, such a week so far. I started working on the blueprints for my new bike but I just can't seem to find a good and inexpensive way to make it without an engine, and as many of you know, Tony refuses to help me."

So on one hand you acted like a basic, badass, bitch (and kind of were) but on the other hand you had smarts that rivaled the brightest kids in high school. Tony Stark took you in and mentored you and you struggled with family life and so you developed a lot of your personality based off of him. You already had the smarts, he just helped enhance those. When you expressed interest in getting a new motorcycle, he was quick to say that you should make one instead. The idea sounded great at first, then he said he wouldn't be helping you with the schematics and blueprints and all that planning shit.

You stopped spinning around in the chair and started to roll your way over to the desk it belonged to. With a quick double tap your phone camera flipped and you started to show off the blueprints you had started.

"This is what we've got so far, and I'm really excited to see where we go with this. I really like, thought about how the shape in the front should be so the bike could be the most aerodynamic, you know what I mean?" You saw quite a few comments come across your screen that showed lots of confusion.

With a small laugh you continued on. "It's okay if you have no idea what I'm talking about. So I want the shape of the front to be more pointed like this, because then there's going to be less friction and stuff when I get to high speeds on the bike so I can like, go faster. I'm not sure how well I explained that, so I'm really sorry if it's a terrible explanation." You laughed slightly. "The basic idea is that the shape is like this so I can go fast."

A small vibration came from your phone as you were looking over the blueprints. "Oh, just got a text it looks like," you mumbled to the viewers as you looked at your phone to see what was going on.

The text was from the 'Avengers Group Chat' (Steve refused to let anyone change the name...), more specifically Tony.

Tony: Group meeting everyone. Conference room. 5 minutes.

A man of many words. "Okay guys so it looks like I have a team meeting..." you trailed off as you thought about how much trouble you'd get in if you brought your phone with the livestream still going. You didn't think on it much and started to walk out of your room.

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