Surprise Parties Are The Best Parties

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All right, here's my special chapter. I'm turning 20 in TWO DAYS so I wanted to do an imagine for it :) Hope you guys like it!

(Also, in this imagine, I've given Tony Stark a brother. Go with it lol)

When you woke up, you were already smiling. Today was your birthday.

But! It wasn't just any regular birthday, oh no, it was your first birthday with the Avengers.

About seven months ago, your parents kicked you out of the house. You had no where to go and not enough money to get a place, so you called your Uncle Tony on a whim. You'd never met him in person, but he always kept up with sending a card on your birthday and at Christmas.

You thanked all the lucky stars that he picked up, and nearly broke into sobs when he immediately asked where you were so he could come pick you up.

Not "have someone pick you up." No, he was coming to pick you up. And when he did, you couldn't hold your tears in anymore. Considering you'd never met your Uncle Tony in person, you had no idea what to expect from him. You weren't sure he knew what to expect from himself.

He took on the parental role so easily. Since he had his own floor in the Avengers tower, he designated one of the rooms to be your bedroom. It had a gigantic closet and a huge private bathroom, which was probably bigger than your old bedroom.

The next morning, after he had a very heated exchange with your dad/his brother, Tony took you out shopping to buy literally whatever you wanted and needed. This ranged from necessities like bedding for you and toiletries, but also to things like decorations and other fun things.

It was the best way to start this new chapter in your life. Well, more like new book in the series that makes up your life.

Now, several months and holidays later, it was your first birthday with your Uncle Tony. That thought was very exciting.

But then almost immediately after you had that thought, you thought about how it was your first birthday away from your parents. Since you also decided to go no contact with them, it felt even harder.

That's why you were in such a dull mood when you went out into the kitchen. Tony was already there, whipping up some French toast- your favorite breakfast food- and he had an array of toppings for you.

"Morning birthday kiddo! How's it feel to be old?" he asked, still looking at the food he was making.

You shrugged. "Okay, I guess."

Tony turned around and gave you a look. "Hey, that's not how the Most Important Person in the Tower is supposed to act," he said. Tony walked over to you and pulled you into a hug. "What's going on kid?"

You sighed. "It's just... weird celebrating my birthday without my parents. I know they suck, but..."

"But they're still your parents," Tony finished. He pulled away, but kept a hand on your shoulder. "I know it's tough, (Y/n). But you're going to be spending your birthday with people who truly love you and want you here. What your parents did..." He sighed and stopped himself from getting mad again.

You smiled, appreciating what he was getting at. "Thanks Uncle Tony," you said, but there was still an air of sadness surrounding you.

Which meant it was time for Tony to get to work.

He already knew your boyfriend was coming to pick you up to hang out with you until about the middle of the afternoon, so he'd have until then to get everything in place.

Just as you and Tony were finishing up all the French toast he made, the elevator dinged and out stepped your amazing boyfriend.

You first met Peter on accident. He was at the tower to see your uncle, and he was in his Spider-Man suit, so he couldn't really lie and tell you he was just an intern.

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