He's A Cat Person, Who Knew?

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You were great friends with Carol Danvers. You first met her when you two were training together in the Air Force Academy. Then, she "died" and you had to move on with your life. Decades later, when you were with the Avengers and she came down from space, you guys reconnected and became close friends again.

She had a lot of duties out in the greater universe, though, so you rarely got to see her in person that didn't involve a major fight going down. When you did get to see her, you were always so thrilled.

You were hanging out at the newly rebuilt Upstate Facility when you got a message that Carol and friends would be stopping by. You were so excited! Luckily, others were there, too, so you could introduce one of your best friends to everyone she hasn't formally met.

The 'and friends' part intrigued you greatly as well, and you wondered who you'd get to meet.

Then, a day later...

"Uh... this wasn't what I was expecting."

You looked over at Carol, who had a sheepish smile on her face. "Yeah... I kinda kept this part a bit more under wraps so you wouldn't say no..."

Dozens- possibly hundreds- of flerkin kittens were roaming around the facility. You stood with Carol, Nick Fury (who was holding the one responsible for all of this), and Kamala AKA Ms. Marvel.

"You guys do realize you can't leave all of them here? There's gotta be close to a hundred," you said, putting a hand to your forehead as you looked around. "How do we even wrangle them again?"

Nick Fury shook his head. "I don't know if we can..." he said, looking around with you.

Carol laughed. "Come on, you can keep some! They're really great guards cause they'll eat anything."

"Yeah, only to puke it back out again," you said.

Carol laughed again, then smiled at you. "It's good to see you again, (Y/n)."

You smiled back and wrapped an arm around her to pull her into a side hug. "It's good to see you, too."

The others in the facility- Avengers and agents alike- just thought they were all kittens, which is how Fury wanted it to be.

Peter Parker came over to your group, holding three kittens in his arms and having a fourth on his head. "Where did they all come from?" Peter asked, eyes wide with love for the kittens in his possession.

You, Carol, Fury, and Kamala slowly turned to look at Goose, minding her own business in Fury's arms, then looked back at Peter.

"Shelter had a great deal."

A sudden squeal of excitement caused all of you to look at the source. Across the room, Thor had just come in with his daughter. He was the one squealing with excitement. He carefully tan over to you guys.

"Where did you get so many flerkins? They're so cute and tiny and adorable!" he babbled on. He didn't even let you guys answer before he hurried away to go play with all of the kittens.

Off to the side, Sam and Bucky were watching Thor curiously, kittens of their own in their arms. They didn't exactly expect Thor to go nuts at the sight like he did. Maybe get overwhelmed by cuteness, but not like this.

Sam just shrugged his shoulders. "He's a cat person, who knew?"


A/n: Yes, this is extremely short, but that's only because I have been very busy on my study abroad and don't have a lot of writing time. Plus, this idea was never meant to be a super long one, just a cute little thing. 

I hope you guys liked this, even with how short it is, and can't wait to see you next week!

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!

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