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A request, this one by by annabseavey

**Quick side note: Tony Stark Did Not Die. In this, they did a sort of similar thing to the end of GOTGV1, and also Steve went back in time to deliver the stones yes and went back to Peggy yes, but only said goodbye to her one last time and gave her the compass (closure). Steve did still retire and hand the shield to Sam. He and Bucky and happy. I'm in denial and you cannot change my mind.**

**Also this is different from my other imagines in that you do appear as a character, but mostly as a side character for a brief moment. Let me know what you think!**

Steve had feelings for Bucky since...lord, since way before the ice. Bucky had feelings for Steve before he became 'Captain America'. Yet, they could never display those feelings back in the 30s and 40s. These days, however, it was totally acceptable. So the two ended up getting together. When they told the team, one half of the team had to hand money over to the other half. So yeah, they were totally cool with it.

Now, the public was weirder about it. There were the Stucky ships already, so those fangirls were completely ecstatic. Then there were the older people who grew up with the two men and just didn't like it. Eventually, it mostly passed over with only a few rude comments here and there.

Today, Steve and Bucky had a really serious talk. Like, talking about the future and stuff. "Buck...I don't want to make this awkward in any way...but I," Steve cut himself off and sighed, hurrying his face into his hands.

"Steve, it'll be fine. There are very few things that'll make me feel awkward with you, alright? Now, what is it?" Bucky asked the other soldier, then took a drink from his coffee next to him. Steve looked up and thought for a moment, deciding to just come out with it.

"I want to adopt."

In a span of three seconds, Bucky spat out his coffee, jumped up from his seat, and nearly went right back down. Steve followed in suit. He knew it was a bad idea to bring it up; Buck didn't trust himself around adults, so how the hell could he trust himself around a kid?

Steve ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "Shit I'm sorry Buck. I...I should know that you'd be really hesitant to the idea. Please forget I ever said anything we can just go on like normal," Steve said, fumbling through half the apology so he could just get it all out there.

"Steve." The man stopped and looked over to Bucky. "I think it's a good-great idea. I just...I don't want to hurt them, and I'm scared that I'll soldier out one day and I know you can handle me but a kid? That scares me even more," Bucky confessed.

There was another moment of pause, this one filled with silence. Steve took a couple steps to reach Bucky, and hugged him. It took him a moment, but the other man wrapped his arms around Steve.

"It's going to be okay Buck. Shuri got all of that Hydra crap out of your head, so the words can't affect you. And you told me yourself that the nightmares have been getting better. I think a more stable environment will be beneficial," Steve said softly into Bucky's shoulder. Buck nodded and the two sat and talked for a bit longer.


It was a couple days later when the men were able to get away from the compound and head on down to the city to an orphanage to find someone. They ended up deciding that they would just choose the child that 'spoke to them' per say when they got there.

When the doors opened, Steve got really sad vibes coming off the place, Bucky feeling them too. There was a small desk in front of them, so they walked towards it. A middle-aged woman sat there looking at her computer in front of her. She finally looked up when there was a shift out of the corner of her eye.

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