What Was I Made For?

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A/n: this is a request from a_fictionalwriter ! Thank you so much, and thank you for being so patient with me! This was inspired by the song by Billie Eilish (of the same name), so maybe give it a listen before/during/after your read :)

Most people say, "Once you get past those first few years, you'll be together forever!" It's why you had insisted on dating for multiple years before getting engaged, and why the two of you stayed engaged for another year before the actual wedding.

You were scared those first few years. It wasn't until the tenth anniversary you two celebrated that you felt you could finally let out the breath you'd been holding. The hard part was over. Now it was time to enjoy your lives together.

It was harder than most other marriages. You were married to an Avenger- the Avenger. Steve was the sweetest man, the best you could ever ask for. At times, you felt silly for thinking anything bad could happen to the two of you.

Any time there was a disagreement, you felt that thread getting pulled.

But now, eleven years into marriage, it felt great. Or... did it?

"Hey, (Y/n)," Steve greeted as he walked out of your shared room. "I'm going to go down and train with the others."

You nodded, not wanting to look up from your book. "Sounds good, sweetie, don't hurt the others too terribly."

He chuckled as he walked by, then pressed a quick kiss to the top of your head. "I should be back for dinner."

You just hummed in response, and heard him as he walked out. A moment later, you paused, and put your bookmark in your book. Something felt off, but you just weren't sure what. You didn't like this feeling. It made you wrong.

You set the book aside and pulled your phone out from your pocket. "Call (Y/b/f/n)," you commended, and the phone almost immediately started calling. Your best friend was your go-to for quite literally everything. You told them all the good, all the bad, and all the ugly.

They were the go-to especially when it came to weird feelings.

"Hey, what's up?" They're cheerful voice almost always cheered you up, but today, it didn't ease the growing feeling in your gut.

"I need help. Something feels... off. Like, I can't even describe how it feels or why it's here I just don't like it and need you to help me out," you explained, words coming out rushed.

"Okay- woah, woah, woah. Settle down." You took in a deep breath. "Clearly something is wrong. Do you need me to come over?"

You shook your head as you answered, "No, no. Just... need a phone call."

"Okay... what was going on when this feeling came down on you?" they asked after a pause.

Thinking back, you thought out loud. "Well, okay, so I was reading my book, but there wasn't anything exciting happening, just an in between chapter. Then Steve came in and said he was going to workout, but he'd hopefully be back for dinner. He gave me a kiss on the head then left. I was getting back into the book when the feeling happened."

A pause. You waited for a few more seconds, expecting something to come from (Y/b/f/n)'s mouth, but nothing. "Hello? Did I lose you?"

"Honey... it sounds like you're falling out of love."

Your jaw dropped and you gaped at the wall for a second, before you tried to start talking. Noises would come out, starts of sentences, but then you'd stop. Defending was the first thing to mind, but you just couldn't.

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