Twins (Banner)

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Twins (Banner)

"Bruce I need help- CRAP!" The beaker exploded right as you ducked down and under the table. You could hear the slap of the strange good that had started to form hit the ceiling, walls, tables, everything around you.

Carefully you scooted out from under the table to survey the damage, only to find your twin brother standing in the doorway. "What..." he started to say, but trailed off mid sentence as he looked around the room. He took in the goopy mess on almost every visible surface, before finally finding you hiding under the table.

"Oh my gosh (Y/n) are you okay?" he asked as he hurried over to you. He helped you off of the floor and made sure you weren't hurt. You brushed off your lab coat and fixed the black frames that rested on your nose. The room was a huge mess, and Greg would probably kill you if he found out. After all, you were using his lab to work on whatever you were trying to do.

It seems Bruce read your mind and he voiced your concern. "Greg better not find out about this or he'll kick you out. Or possibly kill you. Whichever he feels," Bruce said. You both started to laugh. Bruce recovered first. "Alright, lets start the clean-up."

The two of worked on the room for what seemed like days before it was spotless. You looked at the clock to see that you wasted the better part of the day cleaning. At least Greg wouldn't kill you. "That's it," you said as you walked towards a sink to wash your hands. Bruce got up off the floor and followed you to the sinks. "What should we do now?"

"I shouldn't be surprised that you'd want to go out or do something," Bruce stated with a sigh. You moved from the sink and gave him a turn to wash his hands. "How about we just lay around and do nothing? I don't feel like going out."

You should've known this was coming. Since Bruce had turned into "the other guy" and had his whole incident with Harlem, he's been a home-body. The lab you were both in was connected to the rooms you were staying in, which also happened to have Greg as your landlord. Bruce has just been terrified to go and get out. You would leave to buy things and maybe meet up with a friend, but he just stayed home. It made you feel upset.

"Bruce, you're fine. Nothing will happen because I will be with you the entire time. I won't leave your side as we go and shop and stuff! It'll be so much fun," you whined, trying to convince him to go.

He sighed and tilted his head to the ceiling and muttered something, then looked back at you. "(Y/n), I will go with you. Just...don't leave my side please," he said. You nodded excitedly and the two of you left the lab.


You had been shopping with Bruce for the past hour, and he actually seemed to be enjoying it. He even found a couple stores he liked. You kept to your promise and stuck next to his side, only separating when either of you were trying on clothes.

"Bruce look!" you said excitedly as you jumped up and down and pointed to a sign. "It's (f/s/n)! Can we please go!" Bruce nodded, cause you weren't really even asking, just stating that you wanted to go. You dragged Bruce in with you and noticed how crowded it was. This was unusual, as the stores are normally...not like this.

"(Y/n), let's come back to this store a different day. There are too many people," Bruce urged and he tried to pull you back out the door. You resisted and saw a banner on a wall that said '50% OFF EVERYTHING' in big, bold letters. That made your eyes widen, and you pulled Bruce with you into the crowd of people. It wouldn't be until later that you'd regret it.

The crowd of people was hard to get through, but you managed to get to the section of the store you really wanted to go to. When you got to it, you looked back, expecting to see a tired Bruce hanging onto you, but he wasn't there. Color left your face as you whipped your head around to find him. He wasn't there.

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