My Window's Always Open

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This one is for Natalia_1010 I hope you enjoy :)


It had been a long night. Usually they weren't so bad, but you were on your own since Peter had a mound of homework to complete. He'd been putting it off and tonight is when it finally needed to be done lest it be late.

Of course, you didn't mind. You had stayed in a few nights, too, making Peter patrol alone. But mostly you two patrolled together.

Again, you didn't mind that he could be there to fight the guy with the stole Avengers tech. But it would have been nice, and maybe- just possibly- you wouldn't have ended up in such bad shape.

Once the proper authorities came to arrest the guy and took care of the tech, you sped off to Peter's apartment. Since his Aunt May didn't know about either of you, you went to the fire escape and made it up to his window. By this point, you were pretty lightheaded.

His blinds were open- they almost always were. He was sitting at his desk, back to the widow, working diligently on that homework. It almost made you feel bad that you were about to interrupt him.

However, you genuinely did not know where else to go, because your parents didn't know and you didn't want hospitals to find out your identity.

Your right arm was secured tightly around your bleeding abdomen, so you used your left one to lightly knock on Peter's widow.

He looked up and smiled when he saw it was you. You smiled back. As he walked over, he didn't feel it was too urgent at first. Sure, you had some cuts and scrapes on your face, but that was common with the job. You'd be fine.

"Hey," he greeted once the window was open.

"Hi," you said back, yours much more strained.

That made him concerned, and he asked, "What happened? Are you okay?"

You lifted your right hand carefully to show him the blood on it. "Not entirely."

His casual demeanor was gone and he was in full-on "nurse" mode. Very carefully Peter helped you over the widow ledge, feeling bad when you sucked in a breath at a wrong move. He muttered an apology and then carefully got you to the bottom bed of his bunk.

"What happened?" he asked as he went to grab his first aid kit. He made sure to have one in his room for situations exactly like this.

Your shrugged, then regretted it when your shoulder throbbed horribly. Peter noticed and made the mental note to grab some ice, and hoped Aunt May wouldn't see and ask questions.

"Same old, same old. This bad guy had some stolen Avengers tech so I took him down. If you think I look bad, you should see him." You tried to laugh but it hurt a lot.

"Careful," Peter said, and he came back over with his first aid. You were lucky your "suit" was able to unzip and only show your abdomen. You and Peter were close, but not that close.

You laid flat on your back as Peter got to bandaging the huge gash on your stomach. He sighed, and you knew what he was about to say, so you beat him to it. "Peter, I would have called you if I needed you. I was okay, I knew I had him."

He sighed again, but not as accusatory. "I know. I just... you don't have to. It would have been easier if I were there."

"But school is still super important. Plus that's why there are two of us- so when one of us can't go out there, the other can. It's just a benefit that we can go out there together a lot," you mentioned.

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