Blue Like Me

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A few months after the Battle of New York, Thor had come back to visit Earth. Well, this wasn't his first time visiting. What made this visit different was that he was bringing Loki with him. It was some condition of his brother's 'imprisonment' and such.

Thor explained it on his last visit, you just didn't remember most of what he said.

Then they arrived, and everyone was on edge. Thor was the happy god he usually is, and Loki was the literal exact opposite. When they arrived on the roof, you swore you saw Loki glance to the edge. Possibly contemplating if Asgardians can survive the fall. Probably hoping not.

As you all walked down and showed Loki to his room, someone tripped and caused a small domino affect. Thor stumbled slightly and since he was right next to Loki, he stumbled as well.

You were right next to Loki, and grabbed onto his wrist before he could stumbled into you, because he'd most likely send you into the wall and that was just embarrassing.

When your fingers came into contact with his bare skin, a blue color started to spread across your hand. It freaked you out, so you removed your hand quickly and shoved it in your pocket.

Loki was definitely looking at you, but you refused to look at him. You kept your gaze forward and focused on the hall in front of you.

A couple days went by and you nearly forgot about the incident, enjoying the ability to relax and make some new friends. It was all going well, until Tony was trying to get some things set up for a party.

It involved dry ice. You didn't realize that's what was on the counter, so you happily tried to catch it when it fell off.

"That's dry ice!" Natasha warned but was too late.

You expected to feel the "cold burn" of the ice but didn't. Instead, that same blue from when you touched Loki started to spread across your hand. It didn't stop there, though; blue was crawling up your arm and spreading across your body. You could feel the change happening and started to hyperventilate.

The dry ice fell from your hand, landing with a loud 'thud.' You backed away staring at your hands. Walking past a mirror, you looked and saw your whole face was blue and the eyes staring back were a blood red.

You let out a terrified scream, your hands coming up to hide your face.

"(Y/n)?" Her voice was distant, but Natasha was still there. "(Y/n)..." You pulled your hands away from your face when you heard her getting closer and held them out in front of you.

"Don't come near me!" you shouted. By now, the other Avengers had rushed into the room, probably started running when they heard your scream. You backed away and into a sitting area.

A table came into contact with your thigh, causing you to stumble back and grab onto it for support. What you didn't expect was for the piece of wood to freeze under your hands. You let out a noise that sounded like a choked scream as you quickly removed your hand and crawled back.

"(Y/n), calm down, it's okay." You looked up. Steve was carefully walking towards you.

You shook your head quickly. "No, no, no, don't get near me! I don't want to hurt you!" Tears blurred your vision and started to drip down your cheeks. "I don't know what's wrong with me!" you sobbed.

But Thor did. He had hurried into the room with everyone else when he heard your scream. When he saw your blue skin and the red eyes, he knew exactly what was "wrong" with you. And he knew who could help.

Amidst the others trying to calm you down (unsuccessfully), Thor hurried out and ran down the hallway towards the rooms.

He ran until he found the door to Loki's room, then burst in without any warning whatsoever. His brother had been sitting on his bed, reading something that fell out of his hands at Thor's less than graceful entrance.

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