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A/n: Happy Thanksgiving to my readers who celebrate! I love doing holiday chapters, if you can't tell, so enjoy!


Yes, the Avengers were coworkers. However, if you asked any of them on the team, they'd all tell you the same thing.

"Of course we're a family, what do you mean?"

That was glaringly obvious when it came to big holidays. Those times of the year usually saw a small enough decrease in Avengers-level threats that the team could be all together and celebrate.

It started out pretty small. You, Tony, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, and Clint. But almost every year, one new person would be added. Then, after a while, it was just constantly growing at an exponential rate.

You didn't mind cooking in the very beginning. Seven people isn't terrible, even though nearly half of them consume thousands of calories in one sitting. Thanksgiving food was really good at stuffing people.

Now you didn't even know how many people were coming. Cause first it was Thor bringing Loki after they had made up, then Steve brought Sam, then Wanda and the Vision joined, the next year saw Peter Parker coming by after his Thanksgiving breakfast with his aunt (so at least he didn't eat a lot), and it just kept growing.

After the defeat of Thanos, you thought Tony should start paying you a catering fee. And while your powers of fire bending were impressive, they weren't the best with cooking. You tried the second year of the official Avengers Thanksgiving.

It didn't work.

Plus, everyone always had little dishes they loved that their family used to make. So many kinds of potatoes. Multiple birds. All of the side dishes you could imagine. All the rolls you had to make because everyone always took two or more. The amount of alcohol consumed.

That one Friends episode where Monica has to make three kinds of potatoes and meet the needs of all her friends? That times fifty was how you felt.

Of course, you wouldn't change it for the world. One thing about you was you were a huge family person and loved being around those you cared about. Even if it meant slaving away in the kitchen. The perk was everyone else was happy to do the dishes and take care of leftovers, so you could relax.

This year, however, you could already tell it was going to be different. As per usual, there were some new people joining. Despite Carol's association with the Avengers for a few years now, this was the first year she was coming to celebrate with you guys.

Her plus Kamala Khan, Monica Rambeau, and Kate Bishop. You were pretty sure those were the only new faces this year. About 88%.

Now, again, the new faces weren't a shock. What you weren't expecting was to have people waiting for you in the kitchen when you got up at five in the morning to get started.

"Uh, hello?" you greeted, obviously very confused, and went over to grab your apron hanging on the door to the pantry.

At first, no one spoke. Then, Kamala cleared her throat and stepped out in front of Carol, Monica, and Kate. "We want to help!" she said, the brightest smile you could imagine adorning her face.

You didn't respond very quickly. One of the reasons you were happy to work alone on this meal is because you've never had anyone else who knew exactly what they were doing. They always needed to be told every single step.

Which is fine when it's cooking a small meal and not the meal of the year. This was a big deal and very exhausting work.

However, when you made eye contact with Kamala, you couldn't say no. It was the shiny look in her eyes of pure excitement.

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