Post Infinity War Part Two

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Originally Posted: 8/26/2018
Edited: 6/07/2020

Post Infinity War
Bucky Barnes

You and Bucky had been together for a while in Wakanda. You forgot how you guys had gotten together, but you are so glad you did. He was so sweet, and you loved that. But he always said he didn't deserve you and that hurt you inside. Even with all his programming gone and his arm gone, he still thought he was a monster. Every time he looked like he was going into his dark place, you always made sure to show him how amazing and appreciated he was. The two of you loved each other so much.

He and you had just gotten word that Steve was coming, along with others. Oh, and not to brag, but you have amazing combat skills. You had trained your whole life and would so fit in with the Avengers. Bucky had told you so, and had told you everything about the Avengers. Who each one was, what their powers were, and what their funniest moment was to Bucky.

Anyways, Bucky had just gotten a new vibranium arm and was now heading to greet the captain and his friends, with you following behind. "Bucky, am I finally meeting the Avengers?" you asked him excitedly.

Bucky chuckled at your enthusiasm and you guys came to a stop right outside of where the jet was to land. "Yeah, cause it's kinda too late to turn around now," he said with a smile.

You smiled even brighter. "I can't wait to meet Steve. You two had such a special bond, and still do, and I want him to like me," you said. Bucky smiled towards you and put his flesh arm around your shoulders. You started getting a bit nervous. What if they all hate you? What if Steve hated you and Bucky turned on you in favor of his life-long pal? Fear was creeping into your head as all these what-ifs popped into your head.

There was a loud sound and the two of you looked up to see a jet coming in and getting ready to land. That's when your nerves really started to kick in. They would all hate you, because they had no idea who you were and they were probably all really close and didn't like outsiders...

As if reading your mind, Bucky squeezed your shoulders reassuringly. "Don't worry, they'll love you (Y/N). You are too sweet of a person to make anyone hate you in the slightest. You've made me a better person, and you make me happy. That's important to them," Bucky said. You breathed a sigh of relief, and the jet touched down on the landing pad. The back doors opened and they al walked out. Huh, Steve and Natasha looked pretty different. Steve now had a sexy beard and Natasha had become a blonde. You figured it was part of going undercover- having to get a pretty good disguise.

Finally, you and Bucky walked up. You saw as his face lit up as he saw his best friend, and how Steve looked so happy. They went in and hugged each other. You felt awkward standing there. "How you been Buck?" Steve asked as they separated.

"Not bad...for the end of the world." Steve chuckled slightly at Bucky's response and so did you, which grabbed Cap's attention. He turned to look at you, and so did the others.

"Who are you?" he asked, suddenly getting a bit more protective over his Bucky. Bucky noticed, and stepped in.

"She's good Steve. Hell, she way more than good. She the most amazing gal I've ever met. This is (Y/N), my girlfriend," Bucky explained. You blushed under al the intense stares of the Avengers. Well, the rogue Avengers you guessed to yourself. Everyone kept looking at you, until Steve stepped forward and brought you into a...hug?

He hugged you and you looked a bit shocked before hugging back. You pulled apart from each other and you smiled, very obviously relieved. "You have no idea how happy I am you like me."

~Time Skip because I CAN~

You were in the woods.

It had all gone to hell.

Steve was holding Thanos' gauntlet inches from his face, then the titan punched Steve with the other hand. Bucky came running with his machine gun, but was tossed aside carelessly. Wanda was still trying to destroy the mind stone, and ultimately kill her love. Watching that stupid, dried up grape throw the love of your life to the ground angered you, so you ran up behind him, and jumped up, springing yourself in the air, before landing on his back. You hurriedly climbed up his back and onto his shoulders, trying so hard to choke that massive hunk of flesh he dared call a 'neck'. But he was too much, and ended up grabbing you and throwing you aside, close to Steve. You groaned in pain. The landing from him throwing you hurt everywhere, but you could move your head. You turned your head towards where Thanos was and watched as Wanda not only held him back, but shattered the stone, causing a small explosion. "Oh my god, she did it," you whispered.

Oh, but stupid grape had to have the time stone. He just had to reverse time and bring Vision back to life. You watched in absolute horror as he lifted the android from the ground, choking him, before ripping the gem from Vision's head. You gasped, and Wanda started crying. She had witnessed her love's death twice.

It was a bit fuzzy after that. You managed to focus on Thanos, as Thor's new axe came hurtling down and lodging itself into Thanos. You focused on Thor as he dug it deeper and told Thanos, "I told you you'd pay for that." He was referencing Loki.

Then you focused on the gauntlet. It started rising up. "You should've gone for the head." Was all you heard before the gauntlet raised all the way.

"No!" you screamed, but he snapped his fingers. The gauntlet busted, and Thanos dropped through a portal. Everyone was stunned.

Steve had gotten up and helped you up. The two of you stared at where Thanos had just been, where Thor was also staring in disbelief.


You both turned around towards where Bucky's voice came from and watched as he tried to walk towards you, before turning to ash right before our eyes. His machine gun clattered to the ground as the man turned to ash.

"Bucky!" You shrieked, then ran over to where he was. You fell down onto your knees and picked up a handful of dust. Tears poured from your eyes and sobs escaped your throat. Bucky was gone. Your life. Your love. Bucky. Steve put a hand on your shoulder, then you both watched as more of your teammates and Wakandan warriors became dust floating through the air. "No," you whimpered.


A/N: Hey!! Sorry that these next few chapters are going to be a bit sad, I just wanted to do a chapter about what would happen. I guess this isn't technically post-snap, but I wanted to write what the reader's reaction would be to see the first person turn to dust, and then when others do, finally you come to the conclusion. And if you cried, you're definitely not alone.

Thanks lovelies!

6-7-2020 A/N: Another one edited! Yay! This is still sad but at least I didn't cry while reading through this! Anyways, like the last imagine, no major plot lines changed, I just fixed issues that really needed to be fixed (how the hell can someone show the emotion of being 'socked'. What the hell. 'Shocked'. Why would I say socked-)

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