Twins (Barnes)

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A/n: Another installment of the mini series from days of yore lol- it's not necessary to read those first, but you can if you want :)

"Bucky!" you called, spotting him walking back from work to the apartment.

He stopped immediately, turning to see who it was who called out his name. Of course, he always recognized his twin's voice, but he still had to make sure it was you. When he saw you, his entire face brightened.

"(Y/n)!" he answered, and he braced himself so he could catch you. When he did, he swung you around once before gently placing you back down on the ground. "What the heck are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be working all night?"

You smiled and nodded, moving so you two could walk home side by side. "Yep, except the girl that I was covering, Dorothy? She ended up coming in any way. Apparently her date wasn't that good. I know we need the money, but..."

"But, you already worked for ten hours before tacking on her additional nine hour shift, so you deserve to, you know, sleep tonight. I'm sure the other nurses will live without having you there," he said, making you feel much better.

That was thing about you two, is that you were close. Always have been, always will be. At first, when he met Steve Rogers, you were scared he was going to become Bucky's new best friend, and he'd finally shove you away. A lot of your girl friends used to be close with their older bothers, until Aage and puberty caught up and suddenly they weren't.

Not for you two, though. In fact, you felt like you couldn't get any closer. Steve saw that, too, and made sure you felt like his friend. After a bit, you actually became really good friends. He felt like a brother to you, even.

You and Bucky enjoyed your walk home, both trading off talking about your days- his at the dock, yours at the hospital- and all the things that happened, interesting or not. Because to you two, everything was interesting.

That's how it was. You worked most of the day and sometimes the night in the hospital as a nurse, Bucky worked from sun up to sun down on the docks. Up until one day, this is how it worked.

Then, the war was happening.

"Nurses, may I have your attention please." You looked up from the paperwork in front of you to your supervisor, along with every one else. "As you may have heard, there is a war. We, the United States, have decided to join our allies against the Nazis after what happened in December."

You remember that day, hearing about the bombing hours after it occurred. FDR had made a speech. Since that day, you'd been scared for Bucky. He was a great draft candidate.

"Well," your supervisor went on, "they need nurses." That caused the murmurs to start. "Since we're in New York, the government is starting the recruitment here. Representatives will be here tomorrow." That caused the gasps and protests.

You were worried about Bucky, but you hadn't even begun to think about how your own profession would be vital to the war effort. And in your mind, there was no doubt you'd be going.

That night, you were released early. There was no need for an explanation.

At home, you broke the news to your parents first. How nothing was confirmed, but to be ready for the news tomorrow.

After, you sat near the door, hoping to catch Bucky when he came in. He'd be exhausted, but he would want to know. From you especially.

The second he walked in the door, you stood up. You fidgeted with your fingers as you waited for him to close and lock the door.

He did and started to turn around with a smile on his face. But when he saw the look on yours, his smile dropped.

"What happened?"

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