Twins (Stark)

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Twins (Stark)

*Quick thing: this chapter does have some stronger language in it, just in case you get offended by that, and also it gets possibly a little triggering at parts. Just a heads up 👍🏻*

You and Tony got along alright. You were the younger twin by just a few minutes, but he loved to hold that over your head like a piece of candy just inches from a child's grasp: teasingly (weird analogy, but your mind worked differently than most people you knew, except your brother). Your parents favored Tony, even if it wasn't noticeable to him, but it was to you. Tony finally found out one night when he heard you crying in your room, he had tiptoed over and peeped inside the door that was cracked open slightly, and saw Howard Stark yelling at you, but in a whisper way. You know, when your parents are so mad they just speak lowly. Yeah, like that.

Once he had left, Tony ran into your room and comforted you. At first, you were 100% truly pissed at him, but he couldn't help your parents opinions, so it shouldn't affect the way you see him as a brother. He was only the best brother you could imagine. Yeah, he teased you relentlessly, but he also helped you out in school and sneaking out to see your boyfriend you dated for 2 years. That ended when Howard saw him kiss you outside of school when he had come to pick you up rather than one of your neighbors or friends usually would that day. It was heated after that, and you and Howard never had the same relationship (I mean, you called him by his first name rather than "dad". Pretty rocky relationship).

Sure, you felt pain for when they were killed, but it wasn't a lot. Yes, Maria was sweet to you, but the favoritism was still present. At least it wasn't as overbearing as it was with Howard. At times, however, you felt horrible things...about yourself. There were times when Tony ran into your room when you woke screaming and crying because you were such a monster. Hell, you didn't even cry at their funeral. You felt cold hearted, but Tony assured you that if you were, you wouldn't be worried about it like you had been. It made you move on, but it was still there in the back of your mind.

"(Y/n)! Where'd you go?" you heard someone yell from down the hallway of the Malibu home. Ah yes, you still lived with Tony after some...PTSD issues from the past. He loved having you there, and your rooms were close but far enough apart so his late night "parties" in bed wouldn't wake you. Thoughtful.

"I'm in here!" you yelled back, turning the volume down slightly on the flatscreen you were watching in front of you. It was playing the documentary of Howard, and you just couldn't find yourself to skip channels or watch YouTube, or anything other than that horrible person and his "accomplishments". He barely even mention you or Tony, but at least Tony got a name drop. You were just, "the younger twin".

Tony came down the hall, his signature facial hair freshened up from any stray stubble, his hair slicked back, and in a tuxedo. "Where are you going?" you asked him. He came and stopped in front of you, giving a 360° turn in front of you, momentarily ignoring your question.

"How do I look?" he asked instead.

Sighing, you tucked your feet under you some more and looked at him. "Great. But you know I hate it when you ignore my questions..." you said, your eyes going back to the screen, where it was showing a photo. Ah yes, the photo you dreaded but the public loved. Your "mother" and "father" were in the center, surrounded by a lot of famous people, while you and Tony had been pushed to the side. It was lovely how the press loved that one horrible picture so fu-

"Hey," Tony said, turning the TV off when he saw what was on, before turning back to you. "Don't watch anything like that. They don't deserve to know you care. Besides, you need to get ready yourself!" he said, gesturing to your yoga pants and loose t-shirt that scooped low on your neck. It was comfortable, and you were offended.

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