A Cruel World

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A/n: I think you guys might actually, full-on hate me after this one, especially after last week's. Sorry in advance?

The world you lived in was a strange one. If the multiverse theory were to be believed, you wondered if there were others like yours out there.

The multiverse theory. That's how you met her.

You were a graduate student at MIT, pursuing your degree in physics. That's was the official interest, you were too scared to tell people about your interest in the multiverse. There were certain topics within the science community that were much more "sci-fi" than actual science. You didn't want to be laughed out of your field.

All of that changed the da you heard there was a guest speaker coming to campus. Everyone was buzzing with excitement at who it could possibly be- there were plenty of famous MIT grads.

Outside of the lecture hall, there had been a box to put questions. The speaker would pick a few to ask at the end of their talk.

You have no idea- to this day, not a clue- what possessed you to write down your interest in the multiverse. Even less of an idea as to why you put your first and last name. Just on the off chance. Hopefully they wouldn't ridicule you publicly.

Inside, you managed to find a spot near the front and awaited the guest speaker's reveal. When it was revealed that it was Tony Stark, you were very happy to have him up there.

He talked about his experience there, what he did, and all the classic alumni stories. You were so enthralled that you completely forgot about the question you put in.

When it came time, the first question he pulled was a classic. "'Do I have nay theories on the soulmate phenomenon?' Not surprised to get this question..."

Right. That was what was "strange" about your world. Everyone has a soulmate, and you see the entire world in black and white until you meet your soulmate, and then it bursts into color. You had yet to meet yours.

He talked about some theories he's been thinking of, but hadn't really made too much progress on that front. "I have been making progress on a secret project, though, and if you manage to get one of the coveted Stark Internships, you might get the chance to work on it..."

That got some people murmuring. Mr. Stark looked through some other questions, laughing at a couple, setting a few aside, and answering a couple others that had to do with dealing with the workload at MIT.

Once the talk was over, everyone was trying to hurry up to the stage to have the chance to talk to Mr. Stark, others begging for autographs. You almost wanted to, but knew that he'd never get to everyone.

As you left, you found a friend and chatted with them about the talk. "You got the literal best seat in the house so good job," he told you, causing you to laugh.

"(Y/n)!" You turned around, seeing one of your professors hurrying after you. "I hate to steal you from your friend here, but I could use you for a second."

"Yeah, sure, no problem," you said, waving goodbye to your friend, promising you'd have lunch with him later.

You followed your professor down the hall to some classrooms. "What's up? Does it have to do with my most recent paper, because I thought I did well enough on it..."

He shook his head. "No, no, you're all good there. In fact, I really love it. This... you'll see."

They were confusing words, but you went along with it anyway, and spent the rest of the walk thinking about what this could be.

You weren't expecting to be brought into a lecture hall where Tony Stark was waiting.

"Ah, and you must be the multiverse girl," he said, moving from leaning on the desk to be standing. Immediately your face flushed a bright red. "No, no! Don't be embarrassed. I mean, I know a lot of people around here don't really like to talk about it, but I'm not like most people."

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