Assassin Part Two

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Assassin Part Two

After Stark was found hidden away in his lab (typical), everyone went down to him to see if he could pull the security camera video up for Fury to see.

"Alright, I'm going to skip all the weird stuff that one," he pointed to you, "has done in her stay here and just show you last night right after they walked into the elevator." Tony pressed some buttons on the computer and suddenly a video of your room was showing, the time stamp 10:37 pm, June 4, 2018.

You had ran into your room and cried, and then a few minutes later, Nat and Clint walked in. They got into the bed and snuggled with you.

"This is going to be a while so I'll speed it up a bit," Tony said quietly, before pressing more buttons and the video was suddenly a lot faster.

For the rest of the video, it was just you, Nat, and Clint moving around a bit in bed together. Nobody got up, and nobody came in. Just the three of you, sleeping like a true family would. Suddenly, Nat got out of bed and answered the door to Fury, and that was when you looked and saw the time stamp was just 20 minutes ago.

"There. You see, none of us left that night. Nat and Clint are clean," you said to Fury. He looked down at you and sighed, giving in.

"Fine. But I'm going to find out who did, and you guys aren't allowed to help. It was the only order I was given by Secretary Ross when he thought you murdered them." Fury turned and left the room, Hill following behind in suit. The four of you, Clint, Nat, Tony, and you, were huddled around the computer and let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Well, that means I'm not going away any time soon! You guys are stuck with me," you said, smiling like a dork. Nat and Clint both pulled you into their arms, and Tony snuck in behind you.

"Family hugs aren't complete without Uncle Tony," he said quietly into your head. You all chuckled a bit.

You smiled as they all continued to hug you. This was your family. You had your parents who adopted you after killing your abusive father, you had your assortment of Uncles and an Aunt, and you had friends in high places. You felt like you were in a normal family for once, and it made you feel so elated to be part of that feeling you always witnessed on TV.

"We are a normal family, even if it is for a minute," Clint said quietly.


"We are NOT a normal family Papa bird! Not even close!" you yelled over the intercoms, and everyone heard your statement loud a clear.

You were all currently on your first mission as a group since you turned 18 just last week and your present from Fury was that you could be an Avenger. Of course you agreed, but Nat was a bit weary. She loved you, and was fine with the world seeing that. It made her feel human again, after all that Red Room stuff.

But back to the current situation, you were hiding behind a crate while machine guns shot the hell out of it, trying to get to you. Clint was above, trying to shoot the targets, and Nat was by your side. The rest of the team was outside, making sure nobody got in or out. At least, alive anyways. The target was a rich HYDRA man who was stuck in his circle of bodyguards, and there were about eight bodyguards that were there.

"Yeah, but we were for a minute," Clint said over the comms. You rolled your eyes and Nat snickered a bit beside you.

"Alright, I'm going to use the little opening between these two crates," you motioned to the crates you and Nat were using as cover, "and I'm going to try and shoot these bastards. Got it?" you asked Nat. She smiled and actually laughed at you.

"I think Clint and Tony used too much language around you," she said, still laughing a bit. You rolled your eyes and smiled back, before getting into position.

You were able to take out two of the eight, leaving just six left.

"Guys, we could use a bomb or something to throw at these assholes," you said into your comms. Guess Nat was right, you swore a good bit. "Yeah Mama spider, I guess you weren't kidding," you said to her.

"Alright, I can come in, but it'll be quick and I'm going to come barreling to the crates you guys are using for cover, so make room. Redwing showed me a path I can use to get to you guys to give you the bombs," Bucky said over the comms. You nodded at Nat and made a small space between the two of you, getting ready for Bucky. Suddenly, he really did come barreling through and straight to you and Nat, sliding the last few feet.

"Buck! You alright?" You asked, worried. He nodded and handed you a grenade.

"You got this (Y/N)?" he asked, panting and out of breath. You nodded, and took off the clip of the grenade, then threw it to the center of the room.

"Cover!" Nat yelled, as Bucky helped both you duck and stay down. The explosion came a few seconds later, and the three of you were blown forward a bit, the crates taking a majority of the hit. Some wood shards did slice your right arm, but other than that you were fine.

After about ten seconds, you guys sat up and checked out the area behind you, to make sure they all died.

"Why didn't you do that earlier?" Clint asked Bucky over the comms. We all smiled and chuckled a bit at Clint's statement.

"Sorry Papa bird, just thought of it and decided to go for it," you said, defending Bucky. You all then stood up and surveyed the room, which was partially in flames. "Well, we made one hell of a mess, but we got the bad guy," you said.

The three of you started walking out of the building, and Clint repelled down from his temporary "nest" to join you.

"Well Black Widow, Winter Soldier, Assassin, get ready to explain all of this to the press and more importantly, Ross," Clint said. But you were good. You guys would be fine. Your family, and you stick together. And you wouldn't change it for the world.


A/N: So guys I'm sorry my posting schedule is off and stuff, I'm just busy with choir auditions and I am taking an AP class and it get stressful.

But I would like to say OMG 108 reads?! That's awesome! Thank you guys so much!!

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Bye Lovelies!!

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