A Way Out

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A/n: trigger warning, this does have mentions of suicide

When you and Natasha landed on Vormir, you couldn't help but take in the sights around you. Space was turning out to be pretty cool. It was nice considering everything happening to lead you hear. And what you were hear for.

"There," Nat said, and you turned to see what she was looking at. It was a giant structure off in the distance. Or maybe a rock with a structure on it. You weren't sure.

You were sure about the fact that it seemed to be where the two of you would be finding the Soul Stone.

It was a long trek, one that would usually be filled with chatter between the two of you, but today wasn't. This mission had too high of stakes. Not even you and Nat could talk through it like you did everything else.

You two had quickly paired together for the mission. The two of you were possibly the closest on the team- even closer than she was with Clint, and those two had been through it.

But so had you two, having both been in the Red Room together. She got out first, and then a few years later you managed to escape. It left you nearly dead and in the freezing cold, but luckily a SHIELD agent who had been watching the place found you.

And then Nat found you. And you two have been pretty inseparable since.

While the cold exteriors frightened others, the both of you knew how to help the other out and get the vulnerable side to show. It was an unbreakable bond.

Finally, at the top of this rock thing, something materialized, causing you and Nat to strike your defensive poses and get ready for the threat.

But then he spoke. He guarded the stones and said that someone must sacrifice the person they love most- a soul for a soul.

You were filled with rage at that moment. Not at the creepy ghost, but at Nebula who knew about this and never shared.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Nat asked as you stormed off, striking a small rock with your foot.

Turning to her, you tried to hold back tears. "Nebula knew. She fucking knew and decided not to share this information with us. 'It's where he murdered my sister' was the only damn clue we got. What the hell are we supposed to do with that!"

Nat moved close enough to you to hold your arms down and stop you from moving. "(Y/n)!" You stopped talking and looked at her. "We will figure this out. We'll think up another way."

You nodded, and the two of you walked out onto the "sacrificing platform" and looked around. Nat went to sit on a rock, deep in thought, while you went over to look at the drop. Where the sacrifice was supposed to happen.

As you looked, something inside you said jump. And it scared you. Yet it wasn't... unwelcome.

You'd keep trying to think of something else, though. There had to be another way, right? So you walked back over to Nat and had words you wanted to say. There was never a chance.

A sudden explosion sent you flying back, torn away from Nat. You landed hard, the air getting knocked right out of your lungs. There wasn't time to think, though, because the explosions kept coming and coming and coming.

You rolled away and hid behind something before chancing a look up into the sky. There were ships- many of them- and you could only imagine who they were from.

"Thanos," you whispered, anger and hatred filling your soul once again. This time, however, you would have something to take it out on.

Some aliens disembarked one of the ships, so you started blasting. They had no time to look out, and several of them went down. The ones that didn't had the chance to fire back and did so with no mercy.

Lucky for you, the rock took most of the fire.

In the fray, you looked around and saw even more aliens landing and firing. Then, you found Nat. She had been situated behind a rock, but was now jumping over to hide with you.

"They... they're trying to box us in. We have to figure something out," she said, slightly out of breath.

You shook your head. "No," you said. She turned her head quickly and looked at you. You met her intense gaze. "We don't have time. We can't think of another plan."

Nat knew what you were getting at and shook her head. "No, no- we can figure something else out! Or- or at least wait until after we deal with these guys," she said. And for the first time ever, it sounded like Natasha Romanoff was begging.

A sad smile came on your face, and the tears you had been wanting to hold back weren't listening to your demands anymore. "Natasha..." you whispered, and took hold of her closest hand. "It's my way out."

Her eyebrows furrowed, and the two of you ducked after a blast got a bit too close for comfort. You'd only be safe for another couple minutes.

"What do you... what do you mean?" Nat asked, shaking her head.

The tears silently waterfall down your face and you dropped your gun to take a hold of Nat's hand with both of yours. "I love you, Nat. You have done so much to help me... but I can't escape those thoughts... I-I can't escape the Red Room no matter how hard I try. And the world needs you so much more than it needs me."

She started to shake her head and protest, but you kept going. "Please, Nat. We both know, deep down, it has to be me. I want it to be me."

But she shook her head. "No. Listen to me, (Y/n). We are going to figure this out. What we're going to do is take these bastards out first and then think. Okay?"

You reluctantly nodded. "Where am I going?" you asked.

"Left. I'll go around the right, we'll come at them from behind," she said.

But you knew the real direction you were going.

The two of you turned and got ready to run. Nat counted down from three, but when she got to two, you were gone.

Nat didn't have time to process it before it was happening. Your gun was on the ground, and you were running to the ledge.

"NO!" she screamed, and took off after you.

But you had the head start. It would be impossible for her to catch up with you and fight off the incoming aliens. You knew that. Even after you were shot in the leg and then again in the side, you knew she couldn't catch up.

Even when it came to you dragging yourself to the ledge. You looked over and came to terms with what needed to happen.

You turned and looked over at Nat. She had taken out nearly all of the aliens that had been on the ground. One of her guns was gone, and you saw she had been wounded in the shoulder.

Nat looked at you, terrified.

However, you were at peace. Even with the tears coming down your face, you were able to smile. "It's okay," you whispered. She may not have been able to hear you, but you knew she could at least read your lips.

In a last ditch effort, she started to reach an arm out to grab you.

A new figure entered your peripheral vision. You looked to see who it was, and noticed the mad titan striding towards Nat. And she had no idea. The smile and relief disappeared from your face. It was now or never.

With one last look at Nat, you took a deep breath and fell.

The air whistled past your ears as you stared at the sky above you. When you felt yourself nearing the end, you closed your eyes and smiled.


A/n: this is depressing as fuck, and I am very sorry for that. But I had this idea after rewatching something on TikTok saying "real eyes realize this was suicide" in reference to the actual scene in Endgame. So then I thought about it and thought about the "way out" idea and ran with it.

While writing this, I'm in the midst of finals and have toyed with the idea of skipping the ones remaining far too many times to be healthy. By the time this has been posted, I'm home with my family :)

Next week's imagine is a Christmas one!!! Gosh I love Christmas so much, but you'll hear all about it next week.

Bye Lovelies!!!!!

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