Too Good For You

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Too Good For You

Request By S_Aguiniga16 and I hope you and everyone else likes this imagine!


It was getting later in the evening, and you were getting extremely worried. Steve was supposed to be home by now. He was supposed to be home an hour ago. You knew he got into fights, but did he get really hurt this time? Hell, did the worst happen? He was a fragile little thing with a heart too big for his small frame.

But you loved him all the same. Even when he came home beaten, bruised, and bleeding. He would always say 'I had him on the ropes'. Of course you knew he never did, but the confidence and bravery Steve had made you smile. So did his smile, his eyes, and his humor. You just loved him, alright?

Back to the worrying. Bucky was also supposed to be coming home soon. He usually got home later than you and Steve. Speak of the devil, you heard the door open.

"I'm home! And I've got a friend with me. He seemed lost, so I brought him here," Bucky yelled through the apartment. You jumped up and rushed over to the front door to see Bucky, with a post-fight Steve using him for support. "Found him in an alley getting the beating of his life by some punks."

"They were harassing this beautiful lady across the street! She was uncomfortable and I stepped in...I know how much you hate it (Y/n)," Steve said. You were used to him defending people, especially girls getting yelled at. He knew you hated it, so he figured others hated it. It just made you smile that he was so pure at heart.

You walked back to the kitchen to retrieve the first aid kit and a towel from the table, then walked back to help Steve. "Let's take you to the bathroom to get you cleaned up alright love?" you asked, already tugging him in that direction. He nodded, knowing he didn't have much of a choice anyways.

You sat Steve on the edge of the bathtub and made him show you the extent of his injuries. On his chest there was a lot of bruising, you were just thankful he was experiencing any internal bleeding. Bucky would've been able to tell the moment he found Steve.

"So, how many guys?" you asked him, attempting to start conversation.

"Just one."

"And how big was he?"

"About as big as Buck. He was pretty muscular too."

You nodded and motioned for him to put his shirt down. He did, and you moved onto in face. There was a busted lip, a cut on his left eyebrow, and a nice bruise on his jaw. You checked and made sure he hadn't lost any teeth and made sure his jaw wasn't fractured. It wasn't, just seriously bone bruised.

"I always wonder how you get lucky," you said aloud. Steve furrowed his eyebrows, not entirely understanding what you meant. "I mean when it comes to your injuries after your selflessness gets you into fights. You could've lost a tooth, had your jaw broken, or any bone for that matter. You also could've had major internal bleeding." You stopped working on cleaning his face for a second to grab the bandaids. "It worries and amazes me."

As you placed bandaids on Steve's face cuts, he thought for a second. "Doll, what do you mean by worried?" You stopped and looked at him.

"Worried that one day you will just...break," you whispered. There was a tense silence for a second, but it soon disappeared when Bucky came in the bathroom. He had changed out of his work clothes into a more casual look.

He noticed it was tense, and joked around. "Still Steve? Or did he get that sense to fight guys twice his size knocked outta him?" Bucky asked, a wide smile on his face. Steve rolled his eyes but grinned, and you had a soft smile on your lips while you made sure there weren't anymore cuts needing to be cleaned on Steve.

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