Puppies Part 2

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Puppies Part 2

**Recap: You are a dog, Steve's rescue to be exact. You were originally in an abusive home but then got taken to an animal shelter. Steve found you in the park during a thing for animals and fell in love with dog-you. If you haven't, I suggest reading part one of the same title. Thank you, enjoy**

This is a request from iamKhrfan123  who also requested the first one. I really hope this doesn't suck.

It had been a mere few days since Steve adopted you and brought you to his new home. You had stayed in his room, sniffing around and getting used to everything in there, when he came in one day with an excited look. "Come on (Y/n), let's take you around the tower!" he said in a puppy dog voice. It wasn't like you had any idea about what he just said, but he was excited, so you were excited. You let a little puppy smile onto your face and watched as Steve laughed at you and your cuteness (you assumed).

You followed him out of the room and to a big room, that was really spacious and just...big. You watched as Steve headed towards what looked like an edge? But then he started to get shorter. You let out a little bark as you ran towards him, scared he was hurt. He turned around and watched as you stared down at the stairs.

This was new. You were being held by Steve when you first came to the tower, so you had no idea what these things were. They just got lower and lower. At least that explained why Steve was shrinking, you thought. You started to put a paw down to the stair, but the drop was a little to big, so you drew it back up to your body and whimpered. Steve looked at you and you looked at Steve.

He wanted to see you try. It was a goal for him to get you used to going around all the spaces and places of the tower without needing help. Down in the common room, it lead to a different room that was for the dogs and their spot to...take care of...business. The other team member's dogs were big, and could easily go down stairs. You, however, were just so tiny.

"Come on (Y/n), you can do it!" Steve encouraged, and your tail wagged and you tried to get the courage to go down the stairs but you just couldn't. For starters, you were sure Bruce had fallen down them the other day. At least that's what you heard from Steve (he would talk to you sometimes just to talk. It was fun listening to him).

Finally, after what seemed like forever, you closed your eyes and hopped down to the next stair. Your eyes shot open and your tail wagged crazily when Steve's clapping shot through the silence. You started to jump and wag your tail more, getting enough courage to go down to the next step. "Yay!" Steve cheered as you made it to the very bottom stair and to the floor. Steve picked you up and hugged you. "Good job!" Steve praised.

You saw a couple of the other Avengers walk in and see Steve celebrating with you. "Whatcha doin' Cap?" you heard the one they call Tony ask. Steve looked over at him and with a wide smile responded.

"(Y/n) made it down the stairs all by herself today!" he said, and everyone cheered and gave you pets and hugs. It was nice to be the center of good attention. It felt nice to be part of a good family.


Later that afternoon, you were lying in the new room yo had just finished exploring. The couch you were on was huge, and you needed help to get up on it. But now you were on top of it lying in the sun, and weren't thinking about hopping down anytime soon. Another dog that the Avengers adopted was lying with you. It was Nat's new German Shepherd, and he was the sweetest thing. He let you cuddle with him and it made you feel loved. He scared you at first, but showed nothing but happiness at having a new friend.

Your daydreaming (yes, dogs can daydream) was interrupted when you heard Steve calling you. He was standing my the metal moving box with a leash in his hand. He squared down and you knew that was your cue to go, so you hopped down form the couch and ran over to him. Steve smiled, and gave your head a rub, then picked you up.

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