An Avengers Game Night

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A lot of the Avengers were home at the Upstate Facility. The rest were either off-world or on missions elsewhere. However, there were enough Avengers home that they were all bored and all needed to be entertained.

And it was hard to entertain everyone all at once. You all had your own preferences on what was fun and what wasn't. This was prevalent in the movies and shows everyone liked to watch. No one could ever agree on a movie to watch because someone always had to complain.

It was exhausting, so when you sent out your suggestion, you didn't expect everyone to agree right away.

"Game night?" you offered to the group chat. The message was liked by everyone, so that was the plan. You were truly shocked. "Common room, so we can fit everyone."

Several minutes later, everyone was around the large coffee table in the common room with a game in the middle. "Okay, so the name of the game is Farkle. You basically roll the dice and try to get points. But, you have to get 500 points at least before getting on the board. And all the special combos like two triplets need to be earned in a single roll. Make sense?"


"Great! Let's play."

Bruce's suggestion started out well enough. But nearly a quarter of the way in, he was getting a bit too frustrated with having to re-explain the rules every single turn.

"How about we play a different game, I'm worried Bruce is going to turn green," you said, looking at the scientist. His eyes were too green for your liking.

Clint sighed. "Oh thank god. I was confused. That's too complicated for me right now considering the lack of braincells I have today."

"Isn't that every day?"

"Oh, fuck off Romanoff."

You pulled out the next game and set it up in the middle of the table.

"Okay, so this is Hues and Cues. Basically, everyone gets three pieces. One pieces goes over here, on this little score keeper. The other two are yours. So one person picks up one of these cards and chooses one color to describe. Your first clue is only one word. Everyone places their pieces on the square they think is being described. The second clue can be another word or two more words, and everyone gets to guess again. Then this little square goes around the actual answer and we get a certain number of points based on how close we were."

Again, another decent start. It was weird at first but it was working. Until it was Tony's turn. That was the start of the rapid downfall. "Sun."

Everyone placed their pieces, he sighed, then said, "Trees." Everyone looked around weirdly, but made their second guesses. You figured he was talking about trees in fall, when their leaves turn different colors.

Once you placed your piece, Tony sighed again and placed the square over some random patch of green. "Where in the hell did sun come from?" Clint nearly shouted, at a loss.

The man shrugged. "I didn't like the first color I picked so I switched to green," he said, showing his card to the group. Of the four colors there, one was the green he picked and another was yellow.

"Tony, that's not even close to how this works!" you groaned, along with others. In the interest of sticking to a game, however, you moved on. "All right Bucky, you can go."

The man in question pulled out his card and thought for a second before saying, "Pale."

Each person thought carefully, not knowing what color was pale. Pale pink? Pale yellow? Pale green? So everyone did their best and let Bucky say his next clue. "Indian."

No one moved. You all looked at Bucky for a second, hoping he would say something, but instead he sat there and waited for someone to make a guess. Natasha cleared her throat. "Uh, Barnes? That's not... that's not okay..." she said.

"What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely very confused.

You fidgeted with your shirt's hem as you spoke up. "Well, that's kinda racist. But, it's okay... I guess no one really mentioned that development to you. We'll just... let's do something else."

Tony was the one to pull out Monopoly. "It's perfect! We all know how to play cause it's been around long enough for the old men at the table to know it. Right?"

The two super soldiers nodded. "Yeah, we knew a couple kids in the building who would let us play with them when it first came out," Steve explained.

"Great! Then let's pick our pieces and get started!" Clint was so relieved the group landed on something.

But it didn't last long. "What the hell?! Tens of thousands of dollars for the cheapest property?? You must be insane!" Bucky yelled once the board was laid out.

"Okay," Nat started, "so a few things have changed since it first came out. But it's still a great game!"

Steve was appalled as well. "What is this? It used to be, like, fifty bucks! And now they want multiple thousands? What the hell!"

You shook your head and sighed heavily. "Put it away! I refuse to listen to you two complain about it the entire time."

A moment later...

"Tony, you got any threes?"

"Go fish."



A/n: I know this one is way shorter than the others, and I wanted to lengthen it, but then I figured it was perfect the way it was, so here you go! These are games my family plays, and a couple situations that also happened in my family. I refuse to elaborate further.

Anyway, hope you guys liked! I'll have another one of these bad boys for you next week :)

Bye Lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!

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