Prank War Casualties

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Requested by: kylielikesavengers. I hope you enjoy this!

The Avengers were mostly known for saving the world and being heroes to those who needed them. That was great and all, it's just, well, not entirely accurate. If you had the privilege of knowing any of the Avengers even just a bit, you'd learn that the team- the entire team- loves prank wars.

Maybe it wasn't the pranks for everyone. Some enjoyed the competition, the creativity, or even the victory. Whatever aspect it was, prank wars seemed to check all of the boxes.

It even got to a point where rules had to be put in place, including no powers being used (that would be Loki's fault). Another rule was also put in place more recently- no pranks that could stop the jet from leaving in case of an emergency. That was too close of a call.

Each new Avenger was basically hazed by a confetti related prank. When you joined, Tony managed to rig the facility to where every time you pressed any kind of button, confetti would go off.

Sounds cute until you realize just how many buttons are in the damn facility. Because Tony was so technologically advanced, the doors would have buttons, the bathrooms had buttons- even the buttons on your phone counted.

It was exhausting.

However, you then got to see all the other newbies get pranked. You were especially excited when it came time to planning Pietro Maximoff's prank. You absolutely had a crush on the platinum haired speedster, and pretty much everyone except for the guy in question knew about it.

You didn't mind that everyone knew. In fact, several Avengers tried to help you out- including Pietro's very own sister.

For his induction prank? Wanda made sure every time Pietro looked at you, heart confetti would rain down. What you guys were putting down was not, in fact, being picked up by Pietro.

Wanda swore he felt the same way. You had yet to see a shred of proof.

You just decided to continue dropping hints wherever you could (none were the most subtle). He was nice enough to you that you hoped he was just a little stupid and you weren't wasting your time going after a guy who hated you.

Then, a Prank War happened.

The day started ordinary, as Prank War days typically start. You were about to get dressed for the day when you realized someone had tampered with your sock drawer.

"The hell...?" you muttered. Someone had come into your room in the middle of the night without you noticing and stole one sock from every single pair in your drawer. Many were the special 'left-right' ones, too, and you noticed when it came to those, it was the left sock missing.

Every single pair.

This was a classic Peter Parker prank- nothing harmful, just inconvenient and confusing. You just hoped none of your socks came back with web fluid on them. That stuff was nearly impossible to get out of fabric of any kind.

After this, you were on edge. When one struck, another one usually strikes not long after. No one ever went after a single person when it came to pranks. You knew someone else got targeted by the kid, and they'd be the one to fight back.

You never fought back until the war broke out. Like a friend of yours once said to you- don't start wars, end them.

While that came from a much more serious moment, you used that advice for these silly moments.

The War was in full swing by the afternoon. Shaving cream covered the ceiling in Tony's lab, glitter covered nearly every square foot of Thor's room, and even the Maximoff twins were pulled in pretty early when Wanda woke up with platinum hair and Pietro was reddish brown.

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