Post Infinity War Part One

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Original Publishing Date: 8/25/2018
Edited: 6/07/2020

Also, the timeline does not add up, but I didn't feel like redoing this whole thing because I already made a part two.

Post Infinity War
Peter Parker

**You are Peter's girlfriend. May knows about it, but only because she walked in on a study date and saw you and Peter making out. You knew about him being Spider-Man, and always told him to be safe. Peter hasn't told Tony Stark about his girlfriend yet because he wanted to wait for the perfect moment.

(At May's apartment)

You and Aunt May were sitting on the couch, no noise, nothing. The TV wasn't even on. Neither of you could handle watching this people disintegrating. Both you and May were on the look out to make sure the others didn't disappear. You had also been texting Ned, Liz, MJ, and Flash to make sure they all stayed put.

Peter had yet to make contact. You had told him to be safe before he jumped out of that bus. You soon saw him get onto the flying donut as it flew away. The scene broke your heart in two. You didn't know where it was going, you just hoped it came back with everyone on board. It had been a day since he left. May kept reassuring you, but you knew better.

Nonetheless, you waited at May's apartment for him to come home. You waited. And waited. Peter's bedroom became your guest room and you even started wearing his clothes.

"It'll be okay May. Mr. Stark and Pete are gonna come through that door and say hello. I'll be mad at him, but more glad because he's okay. I promise, he's alright," you told May. The statement was to reassure her, but it was also to reassure yourself because you started to have doubts. You two were sitting in the living room on the couch, waiting for someone to knock on that door.

As if someone read your mind, there was a soft knock at the door. You looked over to May, a bit of happiness and confusion on your face. You stood up and made your way to the door, and opened it up. It wasn't Peter standing there. It was Tony Stark. Tony Stark was standing in front of you, but he looked completely different than on TV. He looked...


"H-hi Mr. S-Stark come i-in please," you stuttered your way through the sentence. He shuffled past and went over to the couch May was sitting on.

"Mr. Stark?" she asked, "What are you doing here? Where's..." May trailed off.

"It's about Peter," Tony said. He sounded broken down, as if he had cried and screamed for hours, not understanding the fate that had set upon him. What you were worried about, was what that fate was, exactly.

"What about Peter?" you asked quietly.

Mr. Stark turned towards you and had confusion across his features. "Who are you exactly?" he asked, his confident tone back just a smidge, but it also sounded like he was stalling from breaking the inevitable news.

"I'm Peter's girlfriend, (Y/N)," you told him. Suddenly, his face fell even more. He got even sadder. Why? Something happened to Peter, you knew it. But what happened exactly had yet to be spilled. Some of you thought he was just hurt, and the more logical part of you knew he was one of them.

"I'm so sorry," he said, just above a whisper. "I tried so hard, but I couldn't stop him and now he's gone," Mr. Stark sobbed into his hands. May rubbed his shoulder, but she was just as confused as you. You feared the worst, you knew he was taking about Peter, but you just wished that he was taking about someone else.

"What happened?" you asked, anger laced in your tone.

Mr. Stark looked at you, dead in the eye, and you saw the tears streaming down his face and the rest coming from his eyes. "He turned to dust right in front of me, and I couldn't stop it."

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