What If...

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What If... Clint Didn't Grab A Glove?

The time travel idea was weird to everyone. When Tony came back with the drawn out plans on how to build the machine, it was still weird, but a kind of weird where people are like, "Woah, that's happening."

Everyone worked hard getting the machine together, but also getting a plan together.

"We need to do a test run and make sure we can actually bring something back with us and that we will come back," Steve said. The Avengers stood around the dining table in the facility, taking a physical break to go through the mental work.

"Well, who's going? And when?" Natasha asked. Asking someone to try time traveling (after what went down with Scott) was asking a lot. No one knew how it would be this time around. Tony's a genius, but time travel was a strange subject.

When no one spoke up for a moment, Clint started really thinking. He had nothing to lose, not anymore. If things went badly, he'd be okay with it being him.

"I'll do it."

Everyone looked at him, slightly shocked. But no one objected, they just moved to the next phase: figuring out when he'd go and what he might try to bring back.

While they were all brainstorming, Clint had another thought. With everyone being gone, they could use an extra set of hands to help out. But, he didn't want to face the team's objections. He thought Tony would be the only one to get it.

So, when everyone decided to turn it in after coming up with a very loose plan, Clint pulled Tony aside.

"I hope this won't be long, cause I'm pretty exhausted," Tony admitted.

"I have a different idea for the test run, but didn't want to run it by everyone in case they didn't see the risk was worth taking."

That perked Tony up, and suddenly he wasn't so tired. "I'm listening."

The next morning, everyone was ready to get the rest of the plans solidified for the test run, but they came in to see Clint and Tony already getting ready. "We got things sorted out, we both got up early," Clint said offhanded.

It wasn't exactly a lie.

Scott was (badly) getting Clint prepped with how to not waste his one shot. Smart-Hulk was trying to change their perception of time travel. Clint was going over the secret plan in his head.

When he got up on the platform, Clint gave Tony a small nod, and the test began.

Unfortunately, Steve saw the nod, and didn't like the feeling it gave off. "So, what details of the plan did you guys solidify?" Steve asked, not wanting to outright attack Tony. Their relationship was still rocky.

Tony, also knowing their relationship was rocky, didn't really want to lie to them. Plus, at this point, what's the harm in telling them the truth? Clint was already off in time.

"We... may have... adjusted it a bit... last night," Tony finally got out. Others started getting ready to protest, but Tony stopped them. "I promise it's nothing bad! And it was bird-brain's idea."

That had Natasha stepping forward. "Then why didn't he tell us about it?"

"He didn't know if it would work, or if it would be as widely accepted by the group. But Clint knew if it did work, it would be amazing," Tony said. Looking over at the controls, he could see the countdown was nearly over.

Steve stepped forward again. "What is it?" he asked, also very aware that Clint would be (hopefully) coming back any time now.

Tony opened his mouth to answer, but then it was time to bring Clint back. Him and Smart-Hulk got to work with the controls, and everyone was crossing fingers in hopes that it would turn out okay. That whatever this plan is worked out.

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