Post Infinity War Part Three

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Originally Posted: 9-1-2018
Edited: 6-08-2020

Post Infinity War
Wanda Maximoff

You and Wanda were best friends. After she joined the Avengers, you were there to guide her along. Natasha Romanoff helped as well, but she was constantly being sent on missions, so you were there. Your relationship grew over time. She told you how much she was crushing on Vision, and you told her about some funny stories starring your older brother.

Oh yeah, and your name is (Y/N) Stark. He gave you a spot on the team as more of a 'person in the chair' type role, and you stayed there. Tony risking his life was enough to worry about. Neither of you could handle it if you went out and risked your life too. Besides, you were pretty tech savvy. You were able to keep an eye on everyone and listen to them, as well as give them instructions on where to go. You had the headset, the multiple monitors, the building blueprints and schematics, and everything else, including a fun rolling chair.

But when Tony and his new apprentice Peter Parker, AKA Spider-Man, were spotted leaving on the donut ship, you nearly lost it all. You broke a couple monitors by throwing one of your keyboards at them. Wanda showed up almost instantly though, and risked her freedom to make sure you were okay. Next thing you knew, you were in Wakanda trying to get the mind stone out of Vision before Thanos came to rip it out. The last few days had been a bit of a blur. You were so upset and then turned emotionally numb. Everything you did was like an android. Completely robotic.

"(Y/N), are you alright?" Wanda asked as she came up next to you. Now, you were both currently in one of the great halls in T'Challa's palace. Her hand rested on your shoulder and you placed your hand on top of it.

"Not really. Tony is off somewhere and we are about to risk our lives to stop a mad titan from stealing an Infinity stone. But I have noticed you lost the accent," I replied, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Wanda smiled and laughed a bit. "Well, when you go into hiding, it's best to try and get rid of or change distinctive features," she responded. You nod your head, thinking if that's also why Steve had a beard and Nat was now a blondie. Wanda's accent would surely be missed, but you understood why it had to go.

You and Wanda were now heading into the room Shuri and Vision were in, to see how far along they had gotten. Suddenly, Wanda looked outside and saw they were struggling a bit, and now the huge things were barreling towards the team. They had no way around it. Wanda, with wide eyes, turned to you and you nodded and said, "Go."

That's all she needed, before she ran onto a balcony and flew off. You watched as she landed and stopped the massive thing, before hurtling it onto the enemy.

You smiled widely, before turning back around to face Shuri and see how far along she was with removing the stone. "Shuri how long- LOOK OUT!" you shrieked, before an alien thing barreled into the room, with a member of the Black Order following. Shuri spun around, then turned back to her work hurriedly trying to remove the stone. You ran up to the alien and shot it with a gun you found on the table, and effectively killed it. "Okay then," you said, surprised with being able to kill it so quickly. You tried to shoot the Black Order member as well, but he easily swatted the gun from your hand.

"(Y/N) please don't get hurt!" Shuri yelled as she sped to free Vision. You fought the Black Order guy, but he ended up swatting you away. Your head hit a table on your way to the floor, and you ended up blacking out for a couple minutes.

You were awakened by Shuri shaking you. Your eyes fluttered open and you sat up, searching the room for Vision. "He's gone, (Y/N). The man from the Black Order was tackled out the window by Vision. Oh! Hold still, your head is bleeding," Shuri said before getting up and hurrying to find something. You slowly sat up and started feeling dizzy, but you got up anyways. Gripping the edge of the table you whacked your head on, you stood up now, but Shuri was behind you and pushed a chair under you for you to sit in. "(Y/N), you need to take it easy. Please. You hit your head pretty hard on the table," Shuri tried to reason with you. You shook your head and stood up, looking out the window.

Suddenly, there were people that just started...disappearing. Right in front of your eyes. "Shuri, please tell me you are seeing this as well," you said. The last thing you needed was hallucinations plaguing you. Shuri walked up beside you and her eyes widened as well as she watched her people dust away right in front of her.

"I can see this..." she whispered. You both stood there for a while, staring at the people desperately searching for their friends and fellow soldiers. Your eyes wandered over to the wooded area, and you could barely make out the Hulkbuster armor that Bruce was in.

"I have to go see what happened," you said, before turning around and acting out the lab. Well, trying to at least. The sudden movement was too much and nausea swept over you, and you fell to your knees clutching your stomach.

"(Y/N)! Come on, let me get you to one of my tables," Shuri said as she helped you up and over to a table that you lay on. She pulled up a projection of your head like she did with Vision an started seeing what she could do. "Hold on," she said, before walking over to a different part of the lab. You couldn't exactly do much, so you started wondering and thinking about what could've happened out there. But then she suddenly disappeared too, and you were left alone in the quiet lab.

There was a noise by the doorway and you turned you head towards it. At first you thought it was another alien, but it happened to be some of the team. You let out a breath of relief and sat up a bit. "Guys, what happened?" you asked the group, while also trying to find Wanda. But you couldn't find her auburn hair anywhere.

"(Y/N)," the sound of your name cut you off from your search and you turned towards Steve. "She didn't make it. Her along with other members from our team just..." Steve trailed off and he tried to hold back tears.

You now understood what he was trying to tell you. "Turned to dust," you finished for him. You both made eye contact. His blue orbs were filled with sadness. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath before bursting into tears.

Wanda was your best friend. She was always there for you, even after the accords. Even after you signed by your brother's signature. Even after you had to fight against each other. Se had looked. In your head and saw that you didn't want to be fighting her or anyone, you just wanted to live safely. Wanda had always been someone you could vent to, watch movies with, and just be around in general. She always told you about her relationship with Vision, and you complained to her when Tony refused to let you date anyone because nobody was worthy enough for you. You had just lost a piece of you.


A/N: Hey guys! What did you think of my third chapter? Please tell me how you like/dislike the book in the comments and tell what it is that I can improve on. Just, make sure they're nice comments please. Anyways! Thanks for reading!

Bye Lovelies!

Edit A/N: I'm here again with more fixing up. Nothing dramatic changed other than I specified Shuri's disappearance as well because she did and I wanted to stick to the original as best as possible.

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