Post Endgame Part Two (Peter P.)

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Post Endgame Part Two (Peter Parker)

**This is a sequel of my very first imagine, so I suggest you read that one first**
***Also, I know that this doesn't match up with Endgame fully, but I had to continue it off of the first part, so yeah***
****(y/f/d) -> Your Favorite Drink****

Requested by Renoet

It had been 5 damn years. 5 years since you last saw Peter Parker. 5 years since you last hugged your parents. 5 years since you felt...whole. The only thing you had to even partially fill the void you now had was a pretty ring Peter had given you for your birthday; a rose gold band with a tear drop quartz stone in the center. But he was gone, as were a lot of other people.

Everyone at school had dubbed the whole ordeal 'The Blip'. You thought it was a stupid name, but it didn't matter. What mattered was that you were pretty sure you were depressed. But because your parents 'blipped' you couldn't go to the doctor and stuff.

Some of your friends, you found out, blipped too, even some after the incident you had with Mr. Stark including Flash, MJ, and Ned. May was gone too when you got back to her apartment. You didn't remember how long, but you sat in their living room bawling for what felt like an eternity. The landlord forced you to leave at some point and you walked back to the place you called home.

But when you got there, realtors were claiming it as vacant property and made you pack up and leave. As a powerless 15 year old, you listened and took everything you could and left. Mr. Stark felt really bad, and offered to give you a room in his house by the lake. It was nice, and Pepper accepted you with open arms.

At the moment, you were playing with Morgan out in her tent. She was wearing something that looked like an Iron Man helmet, but blue rather than red. You were skeptical that it was for her, but that's what she told you and you went with it (Mr. St- Tony was unpredictable so it made some sense).

You heard rustling outside the tent and then a voice. It was Tony, calling for Morgan and you for lunch. When she stepped out with the helmet on, Tony said it was for Pepper, and you realized you had been duped.

"Morgan Stark! You told me it was just a toy your dad made for you!" you exclaimed, laughing through the whole thing. Morgan just gave you a little mischievous grin and laughed.

Tony led you and carried Morgan into the house for lunch. You were almost there, but then you spotted a car that had just pulled up with people coming out of it. Tony sighed and handed Morgan over to you.

"Go ahead and take her inside. I'll deal with them," Tony said, already putting the five year old into your hold. She was heavy, but you managed to hold her and carry her in.

Pepper was inside, setting some stuff down on the table and getting some drinks. She looked over when heard your footsteps. She smiled at you, and then at Morgan. You set the smaller one down and she ran over to her mom. They hugged, and then Pepper walked over to you. Giving you a small side hug, she looked for her husband. "Where's Tony? Did he get lost?" she asked you seriously.

You let out a laugh and shook your head. "No, a car pulled up and some people popped out. He didn't look thrilled, but told me to step in here with Morgan," you said. Pepper nodded, and the three of you sat at the table and waited for Tony.

After a few minutes, Pepper sighed and got Morgan's attention, previously being held by some toys she had. "Morgan, I need you to go save your dad from whoever's out there, okay?" she asked her, and Morgan jumped up. She sped outside to her dad to 'save' him from whoever showed up.

You went to play with the ring on your finger, only to find it wasn't there. It took you a second to realize that your finger was indeed naked, and then you went to check your jacket and jean pockets to see if you shoved it in there. Unlikely, but possible. But it wasn't there either.

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